The main of objectives of this research was to assess Assesment of the drawbacks pharmaceutical supply of chain ofrncommunication:the case of Ethiopian paharmaceutical supply agency.rnMethed .In this study a mixed methed descriptive survey research design and depth interview were employedrnQuestionnaire were distribute among 100 respondents who were purposely selected from the agency .All the respondentsrnhave a direct relations and involvement with the pharmaceutical supply chain communications. Also two key policy andrndecision makers were selected for interview ..The observed finding indicated that work the organizational effectiveness ofrnpharmaceutical delivery in terms of quality, safety and time by Storage and inventory control practice, Order fulfillment,rnrelations, client service management, Transportation and distribution system with even though the learners ensured usingrnthe above mentioned pharmcuticalsupplay communication fine,rnResaltrnEPSA positively has strong information exchange with the branch hub before drug expired The drawback of communicationrnin pharmcuticalsupplay chain logistics knowledge base were the other most typically experienced challenges Lack ofrnaccuracy of quantification/forecasting.Then leaders have not effective problem solved towered internal communicationsrnand the agency have equal understanding about their vision, and mission in addition to pharmaceutical supply chain thernagency have not strong productivity, drug wastage, Cries management handling have good practice in the agency becauserncovid 19 EPSA.Based on the findings it was recommended that the agency should develop their awareness about thernvarious kind of connection strategical properly but, 65% satisfaction is measured in term of drug delivery, continuouslyrnpractice using customer focused services inorder to improved the information exchange mechanisms other than letter andrntelephone cells need of the patient. here has to be a figure percentage indicating that from the total respondents 60%% ofrnresponanets said …..this and that. Because descriptive survey on what opinions and perceptions on the problem of chainrnsupply communication is there in the agency.rnConculsion This study sharing information is essential for organizations to learn from each other in the supply chain. therneffectiveness of pharmaceutical distribution in terms of quality, safety and time by Storage and inventory control practice,rnchallenge an others followed by lack of collecting receivables ,lack of modern management techniques, poor exchange ofrninformation, lack of integrated system, increasing logistics cost, insufficient logistics management capacity, and inability tornaccess and apply the growing logistics knowledge base were the other most experienced challenges Lack of accuracy ofrnquantification/forecasting