Comparative Assessment Of Factors Affecting Journalists Freedom In Ethiopia The Case Of Ahadu Radio And Fana Fm.

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This research paper aims to assess the factors that influence journalist’s freedom in the mediarnhouses by comparing two commercial media. The reasons that initiated the researcher to studyrnon the factors affecting journalistic freedom is that while the media has a responsibility tornprovide information to the community and Media versions of reality have the potential torninfluence public opinion and decision making processes the researcher observe, the coverage ofrndifferent poltical and social topics in the selected media house (Ahadu radio and Fana FM) arernunalike intermes of journalistic principle, after the country political change (reform). Thereforernwho has and who does not have access to the media and can make their voice heard is a crucialrnquestion with serious political consequences. The study is free from any personal opinion andrnfollows a research principle. To address the research objective purposive and proportionalrnsampling technique was used. The respondents were selected based on their betterrnunderstanding for the subject and based on their work experience. From the total population 89rnsampled journalists were selected. 89 questioners were distributed. Among 89 questionnairesrnabout 85 respondents were accurately filled. Data gathered were analyzed based on these 85rnresponses using SPSS 23 software package. Descriptive statistics research approach wasrnemployed. All out puts were reported using frequency. The result indicates that both mediarnanalysis indicates that Government Intervention, Journalist are afraid of prison and threatrncommonly affect journalist freedom. However, editor interference affects journalist freedom inrnFana FM than Ahadu radio. Ahadu radio uses journalist observation for its news sources thanrnFana FM radio. Ahadu radio uses people’s view and public issues for its news source but FanarnFM did not use peoples view. Ahadu radio uses different professionals view for its news sourcernbut Fana FM could not frequently use different professionals view as its news sources. Thernstudy recommended that Fana FM radio must amend and revise media’s editorial policies, andrnrevising rules and regulations of media. Fana FM radio must reduce editors’ role in selectingrnwhat journalists select to cover the news story, or rather that the editors select the story forrnjournalist they must engage in developing the story the best level. The government officials alsornmust give sufficient information for different private media For the Freedom of journalist

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Comparative Assessment Of Factors Affecting Journalists Freedom In Ethiopia The Case Of Ahadu Radio And Fana Fm.