Framing Analysis On Conflict Between Federal Government And Tigray People Liberation Front (from November 42020-january 112021) The Case Of Ena And Reuters

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The purpose of this study is to examine how ENA (local news agency) and Reuters (internationalrnones) frame the conflict between the federal government and TPLF were reported in the sampledrnperiod of November 2020 to January 2021. The aforementioned period is purposely chosenrnbecause that, the period from November 4, 2020, to January 11, 2021, was the time where thernconflict started till the catchment of the higher officials of the TPLF. The sampled media werernselected purposely since they repeatedly reported that specific conflict issue. The sample newsrnagencies are from national and international and the English version of the news agencies wasrnselected to avoid vagueness while translating the Amharic version (in case of ENA). In addition,rnthe two media framed and cover the situation in different ways. To meet the main objectives ofrnthe study, three research questions were prepared. These are; to what extent did the two mediarn(news, news analysis, and feature) focus on reporting the conflict of the two groups in a selectedrntime, how did the two media frame stories of conflict report on the sampled period, who wasrnused as a source to cover the conflict issues in the stated time frame. The study used quantitativerncontent analysis and textual analysis to answer the research questions. The result of the studyrnrevealed that the conflict reporting in the selected media, specifically, ENA and Reuters wererninclined to use one source and exclude the voiceless. The study recommends that the twornsampled media should provide information to the public by respecting the ethical values of thernprofession.

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Framing Analysis On Conflict Between Federal Government And Tigray People Liberation Front (from November 42020-january 112021) The Case Of Ena And Reuters