Practice Of Peace Journalism In Ethiopian Media In The Case Of Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation

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The history of Ethiopia and conflict has a long tied relationship. Following this many casualties,rndestructions, deaths have been recorded. The cause of conflicts may be political, economic, orrnreligion driven. Recently those conflicts were provoked through media intentionally orrnunintentionally. Now a day‟s media is expected beyond the traditional excepted role of media,rnlike advocacy, entertainment, information or infotainment. Therefore this study designed tornevaluate the extent of the practice of peace journalism in Ethiopian media in the case of thernEthiopian Broadcasting Corporation. To meet the main objectives of the Thesis, three mainrnresearch questions wereset. To what extent the coverage of EBC News dominated whether peacernor war journalism approaches during conflict reporting? Is there any tendency to exercise peacernjournalism in Ethiopia as an alternative media approach? What is the implication of the Mediarntowards using or not using the concept of peace Journalism in reporting conflict? In this study,rnquantitative content analysis has been employed y to answer the research questions andrnfollowing the result with sequential research design qualitative presentation used to answer whyrnQuestions through interview with News Editors. , Ethiopia Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) isrnsubject of the study with the sample taken During October 25/2013 E.C unto November 24/ 2013rnE.C.During the time frame, 90 (3 news stories each day) News stories were selected to bernstudied.Framing theory and Johan Galtung classification of elements of Peace Journalism andrnWar Journalism have been taken as a theoretical framework.The study found reports are morernfocused on visible effects of the war over invisible effects of the war. The reports dominantly takernofficials as news sources and press releases from the Government officials, which mean thernapproach was elite oriented, not people-oriented. Then News reports reverberate differences ofrnparties not maintain agreement by mentioning common grounds. In the criteria of the depth ofrnthe report, many reports are paying attention to here and now stories over addressing thernCauses and consequences of war. And also the following style dichotomizes the Good and bad,rnwhich is the identity of the war Journalism Approach. The concerns of the stories majorly focusrnon two-part rotations and partisan which means lean to one side and about worried about thernwinning of one side which is known as „‟Zero-sum‟‟ orientation, reports are not trying to fosterrn„‟win-win Approach of both parties. Related to language usage, reports are not trying to avoidrnvictimizing, demonizing, and emotive languages on the reverse they are using it frequently.rnGenerally, the reports were dominantly traditional war Journalism approach oriented.rnBylooking at the overall findings, the study also sketches out the likely useful and theoreticalrnsuggestionsin the Ethiopian media, and the media and conflict reporting.

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Practice Of Peace Journalism In Ethiopian Media In The Case Of Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation