Assessment Of Awareness Raising Efforts By Addis Ababa City Administration Traffic Management Agency To Reduce Road Traffic Crashes

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Road traffic crash has been a horrific and devastating life situation every single day. InrnAddis Ababa on average one person loses his/her life per day or 480 people die per year onrnthe roads. The research is conducted to assess the awareness raising efforts by Addis AbabarnCity Administration Traffic Management Agency (AATMA) to reduce road traffic crashes. Tornmeet the objective of the study, both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collectionrnwere used. A questionnaire was administered to 141 respondents. In addition, in- depthrninterviews and a focus group discussion session were held with participants from AATMA.rnQualitative data was presented by descriptive narration and the quantitative one wasrnanalyzed using SPSS version 20 and presented in the form of table and chart. The findings ofrnthe study showed that the road safety awareness raising efforts of the Agency include amongrnother things offering awareness-raising education mostly in a planned and organized way,rnpreparing contents that address the behavioral and ethical problems of road users, workingrnwith education sector to include road safety and traffic management system in therncurriculum, working at grass roots level i.e. having specialized and scheduled awarenessrncreation plan at public gatherings, utilizing media to educate or inform the public despiternsome constraints. Hence, the findings of the study revealed that the awareness-raising effortsrnplayed key role for the reduction of road traffic crashes. The study shows that such decline isrndue to a combined effort of the three interventions of the Agency: education, enforcement andrnengineering though the Agency gives first priority to engineering. Based on the findings ofrnthe study, the researcher suggests possible recommendations for the problem. These includernmedia are believed to be key strategy and upper hand of awareness-raising strategies. Thernfinding of this study revealed that due to budget constraints and harsh financial rules, thernAgency is not fully utilizing the electronic media. To conduct up-to-date and better roadrnsafety awareness-raising programs using the media, the City Administration has to allocaternsufficient budget for awareness-raising programs. The upper management of the Agency hasrnto remain engaged in lobbying media houses and other concerned bodies to largely discountrnroad safety program costs as road safety issue is a common social responsibility. Eventually,rnthe study gives some suggestions for further research.

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Assessment Of Awareness Raising Efforts By Addis Ababa City Administration Traffic Management Agency To Reduce Road Traffic Crashes