Legal And Institutional Frameworks For Urban Landholding Registration A Case Study Of Addis Ababa

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Nowadays, ongoing urbanization along with an increase in population has created a hugerndemand for urban land for different uses including residential, greenery, infrastructure, businessrnand social services. This trend applies to Ethiopia as well as the city of Addis Ababa. However,rnthere is a problem in identifying who holds what land, where, what size, which land isrngovernment and which one belongs to a private person. These problems hamper the efficiency ofrnservice delivery, planning and decision making. Land registration is considered to contribute tornthe solution of such problems.rnIn the contemporary situation of Ethiopia, in 2011 Government has adopted the Urban LandrnDevelopment Management Policy, which have paved ways for the issuance of the UrbanrnLandholding Registration Proclamation No .818/2014.This research is about legal andrninstitutional framework for urban landholding registration in the case of Addis Ababa. Thernresearch argues that there are legal, practical and institutional problems in the implementation ofrnurban land registration law in the city of Addis Ababa.rnThe findings of the study revealed that, the existence of burdensome provisions which impose arnmandatory obligation on a person to file twice application (for adjudication and registration) andrnfor having a provision that punishes a person who has made the right application at the right timerndue to the failure of other joint holder to submit the application for registration within the timernspecified by law, the silence of law towards the issue as to what procedure to be followed tornadjudicate and register land parcels owned by embassies and international organization, and whatrnthe fate of such parcels where transfer of title has occurred in conflict with the law are the legalrnproblems identified by the research. Besides, weak public participation, lack of public awarenessrnabout the process of land registration, poor cooperation between land registry institution, nonestablishmentrnof a security fund that will be used for the payment of damage caused to thirdrnparties and failure to deliver updated reliable information to clients using the current digitalrnregistration system are some of key identified practical and institutional problems identified andrnanalyzed under the research. Finally, based on the findings of the study recommendations arernforwarded.rnIn conducting the study, multiple methods were deployed including a desk review of primary andrnsecondary materials, in depth interviews and FGD discussions with concerned experts, officials,rnsurveyors and lawyers from AACGLRIA and Ministry of Urban Development and Housingrn(MoUDH).

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Legal And Institutional Frameworks For Urban Landholding Registration A Case Study Of Addis Ababa