Criteria And Implementation Of Secession Right Under The Fdre Constitution In Light Of The International Law Regime A Critical Analysis Of The Law And The Practice.

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This thesis, among other things, studies both the theoretical and practicalrnparadoxes of secession right under the FDRE constitution. Given the wider significancernof this thesis, there is a serious concern regarding the current absurd incorporation ofrnthe unconditional secession right under the FDRE constitution and the criminalization ofrnsome aspects of this right at the same time. The paradox that, the grant of the widest formrnof the right to secession and lack of constitutional quests of secession rather thernoccurrence of many criminal cases of secession i.e. Crimes against the National Staterncommitted by the secessionist/separatist groups is continuing as a obscurity. Subsequentrnto reviewing the relevant literature, international legal frameworks, case laws, interviewsrnand other methods, the author will identify and establish the international law regimernand practice on secession. Pursuant to the findings, the thesis draws the FDRErnconstitution is not in conformity with the international legal regime, theories and staternpractice as far as secession and its implementation are concerned. Consequently, it alsorntries to create a coherence in implementing the right in doing so, possible demarcationrnwill be made on the distinction between ‘secession as a constitutional right’ as againstrn‘secession as a crime’. Thus, the thesis will bring possible alternatives which mightrnthwart the paradoxes on the strange stand taken by the FDRE constitution on secessionrnright and its application, as a way forward.

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Criteria And Implementation Of Secession Right Under The Fdre Constitution In Light Of The International Law Regime A Critical Analysis Of The Law And The Practice.