REDD+ is an effort to create afinancial value for the carbon stored inforests, offering in entivesrnfor developing countries to reduce emissions from forested lands thorough conservat ion andrnsustainable management of forests as well as enhancement oj forest carbon stocks. Ethiopia isrnfocusing on utilizing the emerging international framework and financial support for REDD+ tornassist in addressing the problems of climate change. The importance of community participationrnand consultation is enshrined in the FDRE Constitution, the CRGE Strategy, the REDD+rnStrategy, the EPE as well as the EfA, forest and land proclamations. However, these laws do notrnnecessarily reflect the extent to which they are translated into practice. Clarifying statu ofrnindividual, community and state rights and duties over forests in the legal framework of therncountry is the first step to determine the rights over carbon and related benefits. Ethiopia i at thernsecond phase of the REDD+ implementation, many of the existing laws governing Jore:try are inrnthe process of revision through the involvement of the REDD+ Secretariat which could be a goodrnprogress for the REDD+ implementation for the third phase from which Ethiopia expects hugerninvestment which can support both early demonstration activities and future investment flows.rnThe main problem in relation to REDD+ implementation remained fragmented forestrngovernance. Therefore, addressing this problem requires intervention. The REDD+ institutionalrnset up shall also be strengthened by establishing a strong working ties between vertical andrnhorizontal stakeholders. It is also important to utilize the advice and research outputs ofrnUniversities and Research Organizations. The inputs from Civil Society and prominentrnindividuals over policy construction shall also be considered.