This thesis examines Protection of Women Workers from Sexual Violence in EthiopianrnIndustrial Parks by taking Hawassa Industrial Parks as a Case study area. HawassarnIndustrial Park is selected because it hires large number of women workers than otherrnindustrial parks of Ethiopia. This research is conducted by employing qualitative method as itrnmainly focused on experiences of the persons affected by sexual violence and the responses ofrnthe concerned bodies in protecting their human rights. This research made 11 key informantrninterviews with government officials and officials of civic societies such as Ethiopian HumanrnRights Commission, Ethiopian Human Rights Council, EWLA and NGOs; Center of Concernrnand Mizane lawyers. In addition, 12 in-depth interviews and FGD with Women workers inrnHawassa industrial park has been be made with participants selecting by applying snowballrnsampling method. It used semi structured interview. The study finds out that women workersrnin Hawassa industrial park are exposed to sexual violence. The gap in existing laws,rninstitutions contributed to it.