Annotated Bibliography On English Language

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       The subjects of this bibliography are English language. The ‘English’ refers to the language that is so simple that meaning is quite clear.

       English language is a standard language used in educating the whole citizens of this nation and else where.

       The languages is every educative. It is the most popular language that is of same standard includes French and German.

       English language developed from England and was standardized probably                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         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the same time. In the ancient medieval time in the old world, English language was raised primarily for communicating ideas, feelings and desires by means of a system of sound symbols.


An important feature of spoken English in Nigeria is the large number involved per house hold. According to recent surveys the number is highest for English language. With a natural average of 9.05 per house hold. English encyclopedia on surveys London (Help form Nat. library) Imo.

       Historically the Birth and growth of English language in Nigeria came as far back as days of colonization. It was the British rulers who paved such a way by effecting the teaching of this language in schools, where language grammar being taught with the use of tape recorders.

       The teachers who taught people English Language either owned by the government educational institutions, or groups during the 1950’s.

       The timely emergence of English language has contributed immensely to the oneness of our nation; hence it is used as our lingua- Franca.



       The bibliography is not restricted to Nigeria alone, but applies generally to any and every person or country. But particularly the bibliography is meant for English language students in higher institutions and their lecturers for making reference, researches and current awareness purpose on this subject. The major sources used in this compilation include contacts made on the acquired books and magazines by various libraries visited. The topic, English language was chosen by the author because it is presently one of the most annotated and it is an informative bibliography of two (200) entries. The sources of information’s are monographs- books, journals, journal, dictionaries, encyclopedias, magazines, handbooks, pamphlet, and so on.



       The bibliography is typed in double line spacing and on one side of the paper. The work is divided in chapters as seen in the table of contents page. To facilitate the use of this work, indexes have been used. Author and KWIC indexes are included. The arrangement of the abstracts themselves is done alphabetically by author and a code number allocated to each abstract for easy reference. In all there are 200 abstract compiled? The whole entries are numbered chronologically from 0001 to 200 and the pages are also numbered. The entries are arranged as follows;

1.  Main entry- the Author’s name or the corporate body’s.

2.  The title of the article

3.  The sources of the information, the title of the material.

4.  The place of publication and date of publication.

5.  The volume, numbers of journals and pagination.

6.  After this information the annotation of the article follows.


       The method here is on the sources of information. The author collected materials from the school of linguistics based in higher institution. Some libraries were visited by the author, these include: College of Technology Owerri Library, Imo state library, National Library of Nigeria- Imo State Branch, Alvan Ikoku College of Education Library and Imo state University Library.

       One of the steps taken in collecting materials for this project was the system of getting in touch with the catalogue cards on that aspect of my subject compilation. I started collecting materials and compilation of the bibliography as early as the first week of second semester. Some course mates, senior friends and library staff have been of good help to me in directing me to the libraries where I got the information needed.

001.       ABBS, Peter

                     English within the Art: The Arts within a total                           curriculum the use English. J.A. Pearce: Hill                       primis; 1990.201p.

The author seeks to discover a new distinction of English teaching within the Arts and of the Arts       within a total curriculum.



              Elements of general linguistics London: Edinburgh                    Univ. Press; 1986.230p.

              The Book gives the necessary phonetics that helps             students of English language on that aspect of                  pronouncing words written on English.


003ABRAM, M.H.

              A glossary of literary terms USA: Harvard Univ.                 Press; 1991.193p. Having a glance at the glossary         of literary terms helps learners in use of English                    language.



004ADAMS, Anthony.

              The role of English. For the teaching of English                  education: NEW York: Semline Inc; 1993,225p.

              There is something more than faintly unreal about             this        expensive work on the future of English                            teaching in schools and appearance of business                   and activity which is characterized by the ‘staged’               photograph on the front cover of a staffroom with                     teachers enthusiastically        talking, attentively                           listening, and exchanging piece of papers.


005.       ADAMS, Anthony

              English Skills (London: Aberdeen Univ, Press;                    1999.160p.

              The author center on about teaching of English is                     like in public school and a large comprehensive.


006.       ADEDIPE, Sina.

Nigeria rising English language: Heinemann. Webs       media communication; 2006.84p.

              It is clear that little by little Nigerian English is                   being rested and I dare say that it would be                       accepted by English man.


007.       AGAR, Kenneth

              Every day grammar: A course for under 7-12 year             olds  (London: Cassell; 1991.186p.

              The Books provides a graduare introduction to                  basic grammar and its application to modern usage            each chapter consists of the definition of a rule and               practice through written exercises, with a puzzle or            group game as a light- hearted application of the                      rule.


008.       AGUNWA, Parker

              Practice papers on English language (London:                    Heinemann; 1990.145p.

              A book that contains question and answers on                  English Language meant for scholars.




009.       AHMEED, Jubim.

              No substitute for English now Lingua Franca.                            Heinemann; Websmedia communication; 1995.                 150p.

              The country is yet to have an official language in               place of        English language presently in use.


010.       AKNWUMI, J.A.

              English revolution: London; Oxford Univ. press;                1995.370p.

              The revolutionary trend in English countries was                brought up by two sects of religious during the                      17th century as such brought about a new religion               called Protestants.


011.       AKINJELE, Williams.

              Deles travels and Serllah. London: Oxford Univ.                 Press; 1994- 136p.

              The book contains two stories of adventures of                 boy’s traveling through parts of Nigeria to discover             the varied life of areas between Nigeria, Cameroon          and Benin.

012ALABI, Tony.

              Our expression to enter the English dictionary:                  Heinemann; Owerri Jovis Press; 1996-120p.

              If a latitude of the English language can be                       considered Nigerian then if maybe a useful                        instrument in the future   when their might be a                  need to determine the origin of some literary                        works. That is if our literary games use than.


013.       ALLAN, Tessy.

              Who gets Blame for falling standard of English:                 Nigeria; Heinemann; 1995.135p?

It is the teachers or the students that are to blame in the falling standard of English in secondary schools? The     majority of people interviewed on this matter claimed that the teachers are to lamed.


014.       AL-HAKIN, Tewfik

              Fate of a cockroach and the plays: Nigeria.                       Heinemann Edue; 1993.174p.

the play that range        from the romantic atmosphere of the one        thousand and one might’s     entertainment to domestic comedy from a           melodrama reminiseant of Lora’s yemato the              theatre of the Absurd.

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Annotated Bibliography  On English Language