Factors Affecting The Implementation Of Ethiopian Electronic Single Window The Case Of Addis Ababa Air Port Customs Branch Office

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UN/CEFACT(2020) notes, Performing international trade requires preparation and submissionrnof large volume of information and documents to government regulatory authorities and most ofrnthe time it is performed through their agencies and each will have their own electronic or paperrnforms as a result it is time taking and cost associated with procedures and documents is veryrnhigh. Trade facilitation tools are helpful to avoid these extensive requirements and to decreasesrntime and cost of processing trade. Electronic single window is one of the tools, it is a facility thatrnallows parties involved in trade to lodge information and documents with a single entry point tornfulfill import, export, and transit related regulatory requirements. The government of Ethiopiarnhas launched an electronic single window in January 2020 as a means for trade facilitation.itrnhas believed that it will decrease the time and cost of performing cross border trade, howeverrnsince paper work was trend for many years there may be resistance to change and due to lack ofrntechnical knowledge and other technical issues it will not be easy to use the system so creatingrnawareness through training, promotion and communication is needed. The study has conductedrnto identify major factors affecting the successfulness of the implementation of the SW. Fivernfactors were identified from related literature review for successful implementation of singlernwindow namely; stakeholders’ coordination, enabling legal framework, political will, businessrnmodel and technical issues. The population of the study includes importers and agencies in AddisrnAbaba currently operating in Addis Ababa airport customs branch office using the system. Inrnconducting the study primary data were collected using questionnaire and interview. Thernresearch approach was both qualitative and quantitative and the research design used wasrndescriptive and explanatory. Data analyzed by quantitative and qualitative method of analysisrnand descriptive statistics was computed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).rnAccording to the findings the implementation has five stages and it is now in its second stage;rnpaperless customs has introduced in sep.2020 and the existing SW is just a bridge betweenrntraders and government agencies, the SW for import community, national single window andrnregional single windows are going to be implementing in the next stages respectively. Based onrnthe study findings there is an appropriate political commitment, enabling legal frame work and arnsuitable business model, However improvement required regarding stakeholders’ coordinationrnand in some technical issues.

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Factors Affecting The Implementation Of Ethiopian Electronic Single Window The Case Of Addis Ababa Air Port Customs Branch Office