Assessment Of Factors Affecting Road Construction Heavy- Machinery Spare Part Supply Chain Performance A Case Of My Wish Enterprise P.l.c. Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Road construction, which requires heavy equipment, is one of the developing countries' leadingrnpriorities, including Ethiopia. In Ethiopia's case, this sector consumes the most prominent nationalrnbudget, though challenged due to a shortage of spare parts that allow the deployed machines tornwork efficiently. Therefore, this study aims to assess, Factors Affecting Road Construction Heavy-rnMachinery Spare Part Supply Chain Performance: A Case of My Wish Enterprise P.L.C. AddisrnAbaba, Ethiopia. Based on the literature reviewed, the study has identified four factors that affectrnperformance (responsiveness and efficiency): inventory level, information sharing, demandrnforecasting accuracy, and product pricing. A descriptive and explanatory research design wasrnused in the study. Both quantitative and qualitative data were used in this research. Forrnquantitative data, structured questionnaires were used. Besides, focused group discussions werernconducted to collect more qualitative information. Out of 100 employees of the study organization,rna sample size of 63 was taken using a stratified sampling technique. The response rate was 100%.rnThe Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, percentages, correlation, and regressionrnanalysis with the help of SPSS version 26 software. The study results indicated that the inventoryrnlevel, information sharing, demand forecasting accuracy, and product pricing collectivelyrnimpact the SPSC performance significantly. These factors collectively explain 43.6% of the SPSCrnperformance, while the rest, 56.4%, is explained by other factors which are not subject to thisrnstudy, such as transportation-related and other variables mentioned in the qualitative findings.rnFurther, the study revealed that, among the predictors (independent variables), informationrnsharing-related characteristics have more remarkable predictive ability for SPSC performancern(responsiveness and efficiency). In contrast, the other variables relating to inventory level,rndemand forecasting accuracy, and product price has no impact on predicting SPSC performancern(responsiveness and efficiency), as far as the other variable information sharing-related factorsrnexist. Moreover, the study recommends enhancing the quality of information sharing across SCrnmembers by employing the latest IT facilities that can enhance information sharing benefits thernSPSC actors in Ethiopia.

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Assessment Of Factors Affecting Road Construction Heavy- Machinery Spare Part Supply Chain Performance A Case Of My Wish Enterprise P.l.c. Addis Ababa Ethiopia.