Assessement Of Strategic Sourcing Implementation Practice The Case Of Ethio Telecom

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The implementation of strategic sourcing requires a wide variety of skills. Some of the top competenciesrnneeded to excel in making the most of a company’s strategic sourcing decision-making process and it isrnpart of Supply Chain Management Process. This research was conducted to assess the strategicrnsourcing implementation practice in relative to sourcing (policy, procedure, and processrnincluding seven step methodologies).Sourcing/procurement planning, supplier relationrnmanagement, stakeholders/user department’s integration, which is one part of strategicrnplanning in ethio telecom. A descriptive research design was conducted to achieve the purposernof the study. From 164total populations found at ethio telecom head quarter A.A. Whichrncombined both the supply chain division sourcing department and technical division end/userrndepartments, and out of the total population, 56 participants employed as a sample, having arncurrent position of specialists, supervisors and 8managers’ respondents. And they were selectedrnfrom supply chain divisions and technical division by employing stratified random samplingrntechnique. Questionnaire was used as the formal instrument of data collection. In addition tornthat interview was made for some eight selected management respondents. A total of 56rnquestionnaires were printed and distributed and 54 of them were filled and returned, however,rnout of 56 distributed questioners 2 respondents were missed. The response rate becamern96.43percent from total number of sample (56). These samples were drawn from the totalrnpopulation using stratified random sampling techniques. Moreover, the research approach ofrnthis research was mixed approach or the combination of questionnaire, interview (quantitativernand qualitative) including document analysis. Data collected using these instruments werernanalyzed using descriptive design statistics. Finally, the study revealed that the overall currentrnresults from the below findings indicates there was low strategic sourcing implementationrnpractice (measured in terms of effective sourcing policy, procedure, process including the sevenrnstep methodologies) in accordance with the overall company’s strategic sourcing/procurementrnPlanning, supplier development and management, stakeholder’s/user departments integration).rnAnd also it suggested that the level of strategic sourcing implementation practices needsrnimprovement in terms of its effectiveness and efficiency on timely planning, using supplierrnrelation management /development efficiently, by integrating user departments with sourcingrncommittee and improving policy, procedures in relation with seven step methodology to confirmrnthe sourcing strategy with the overall corporate objectives in the case of ethio telecom asrnperceived from evaluation of the respondents reply.

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Assessement Of Strategic Sourcing Implementation Practice The Case Of Ethio Telecom