The Role Of Radio In Mobilizing Nigerian Women Into Politics

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The man trust of this study is to find out the role of radio in mobilizing Nigerian women in politics. This is studied in relation to other media of communication.


We became interested in this project since 4th March, 2004, when some of us listened to the review on the international women’s day on COSMO FM with the title “Nigerian Women Since 1985”. There were so many women liberation that spoke especially on the role women play in the socio-economic and political development of Nigeria.


We made a proposal that comprise of our interests, objectives, and importance of the study; Research methodology research problems, research hypothesis and definition of terms etc. We used survey method in conducting this study. The major objective is to ascertain if there is any significant difference between radio and other media as sources of political information to women.

Hypothesis one (H1) postulated that Nigerian women tend to be getting more of their political information from radio than any other medium of communication. It was empirically supported with a calculated value of X2 = 77.04, as against a table value X2 = 11.345. Thus Nigerian women tend to be getting more of their political information from radio than any other medium of communication.


The second hypothesis (H2) postulates that Nigerian women tend to prefer news from radio to political news from opinion leaders. It received empirical support with a calculated value of X2 = 81.621 as against a table value of X2 = 11.345. In essence of our respondents are pf the view that Nigerian women tend to prefer news from radio to political news form opinion leaders.


The third hypothesis stated, “Women who are exposed to political news tend to be more influenced than those not exposed, in their political opinion formation. It has as well received statistical support with a calculated value of X2 = 114.08 as against a table value of X2 = 11.345. It then means that Nigerian women that are exposed to political news tend to be more influenced in their political opinion formation than those not exposed.


The fourth and the final hypothesis of the study postulates that radio tends to be more accessible to Nigerian women than any other medium of communication. The hypothesis is empirically supported with a calculated value of X2 = 98.66 as against the table value of 11.345. This means that the audience believes that radio is more accessible to Nigerian women than any other medium of communication.


In general analysis, our findings are in line with our postulations in literature review that among the various medium of communication, radio is the most veritable tool of mobilizing Nigerian women into politics. This is because it tends to be fast and immediate in delivering their messages to their target audience than any other medium of communication.

Recommendations were given on how other studies should be carried out and how radio should be equipped, modernized, privatized and used to enhance its use in mobilization of women into politics.


Dedication                                                                              IV

Acknowledgement                                                                  V

Abstract                                                                                  VI



INTRODUCTION                                                                 1

1.1            Background of the study                                                         1

1.2            The statement of problem                                              8

1.3            Objective of the study                                                    10

1.4            Significance of the study                                                         11

1.5            Research questions                                                                  12

1.6            Research hypotheses                                                     13

1.7            The scope of study                                                                  14

1.8            The limitation of the study                                            15

1.9            Definition of terms                                                                  16




REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE                                               18

2.1            Sources of literature                                                       18

2.2            Introduction                                                                            19

2.3            Theoretical framework                                                   20

2.4            Radio as a mobilization tool                                          22

2.5            Nigerian women in politics                                            35

2.6            Summary of literature review                                        49




3.1            Research method                                                           52

3.2            Research design                                                             53

3.3            Research sample                                                            53

3.4            Measuring instrument                                                    55

3.5            Data collection                                                               55

3.6            Data analysis                                                                 56

3.7            Expected results                                                            56



4.1            Data analysis (introduction)                                          58

4.2            Data distribution and analysis                                       59

4.3            Interpretation and discussion                                        75




5.1            Summary                                                                       79

5.2            Conclusion                                                                     80

5.3            Recommendation                                                           82





This study, the role of radio in mobilizing Nigerian women into politics will look into the role played by radio as a medium of mass communication in galvanizing and preparing Nigerian women into politics especially towards participating in this on going transition programme.


There are so many other communication media like the festival, gongs, drums, and town crier. But in view of how the channels could be used in performing the role of mobilizing Nigerian women into politics, radio is more effective in getting messages to its target audience (Nigerian women). Though the magazine and newspaper, for their non-transient feature would have helped, but it is found difficult for women to afford it. Infact average Nigerian women can not afford to spend their income in buying newspaper and magazines just to get political information. Hence radio could be used as last and best resort to reach Nigerian women in case of wide reach and transcend language problem/literacy problem. This why during one of her lectures Mrs. Ukozor stressed that through integration, mass media can turn the whole world into a “global village”. Radio as a mass media does the same work.


Also Television is a very expensive communication gadget that cannot be afforded by every family in Nigeria.


A set of traditional communication system cannot work for the nation because of so many ethnic groups in Nigeria. There is no unification of traditional communication system in Nigeria. Many Nigerian women are living in urbanization so it is ineffective to disseminate political information to women through the use the traditional communication media system.


Elelstan A.G. (2000) in his study about audiences concluded that the audiences evaluated sources of information in terms of content, television in breath of perception and radio in availability.

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The Role Of Radio In Mobilizing Nigerian Women Into Politics