Perception Of Employees And Employers Towards Tchat (catha Edulis) Chewing Habit And Their Productivity (the Case Of Sheet Metal And Wood Works Organizations In Arada Sub City)

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World wide negative responses towards Tchat can be a clear indication of the substancesrnsome recognized and unrecognized effects on work performance. Unfortunately, not muchrnresearch On the issue has been conducted since on the one hand, the issue of Tchat hasrnbeen considered aS East African and middle east problem by most of the develop"rncountries and on the other hand, developing countries like ours are generating hugernrevenue from export of Tchat that might force the policy makers to give a blind eye for thernissue. The study, there fore, took variables such as attendance, personality, Work placernunfavorable events.~ encounter, health and Integrity as productivity measurement variablesrnin order to see what effects the habit of chewing Tahat can have On work performance. Thisrnstudy tried to address the effects of chewing Tchat (Catha Edulis) On work performance byrnexploring the perceptions of randomly selected 105 sample employees from sheet metal andrnwood works organizations found in Arada Sub-City, which are business organizationsrncharacterized by common behaviors such as starting job at 2:00 am local time and closingrndown at 12:3() pm local time, as well as requiring full attendance and attentiveness by thernemployees who lire mostly working on machines and have to avoid work place unfavorablernincidents. There are 120 organizations in the Arada sub-city engaged in these two sectors.rnThe number o{ employees found in these organizations was supposed to be registered withrnthe Trade and Industry Office of the sub-city, which unfortunately is not the case at therntime of the study. There/ore, the research attempted to find out the average number ofrnemployees found in each of the business organizations by making initial assessment Oilrn1o% of the organizations revealing an average number of employees equal to five. Hencernthe population employees in these two sectors are estimated to be 5 X 120 = 600. Initiallyrnthe sample sizes taken were 20% from each sector, which gives 38 employees from sheetrnmetal works sector and 82 employees .from the wood work sector totaling 120 samplernemployees, which later on declines by the rate of response to the randomly distributedrnquestionnaires bringing down the sample size to 18% of the population amounting to 105rnemployees. Out of these, 65 employees reported to chew Tchat where as 4 of them do not.rnThe study attempted to find out the perceptions of the Tchat chewer employees, non-chewerrnemployees, and 11 randomly selected employers (9% of the total employers) on the issue ofrnTcht chewing habit and work performance through questionnaires designed/or each ofrnthe three categories. Besides, interviews have been conducted with randomly "electedrnmedical professionals working in the area in Amanuel Mental Health Specialized Hospital.rnThe study findings show that employees who chew Tchat are characterized by a relativelyrnhigher degree of absenteeism, encounter to unfavorable work place events such as physicalrndamage and mistakes in work (sub-quality or sub-standard work), health problem'.andrnassociated costs, Insomnia (sleeplessness~) , late wake up, job instability in the form ofrnFrequent changing of jobs, frequent loan request, and finally unsatisfactory personalityrnwith regard to loss of tolerance and patience, disagreement with bosses, disagreement withrnco-workers, being unable to execute .responsibilities; feelings of depression, anger, fatigue,rninstability in friendship ties, and carelessness about personal hygiene. Therefore , the studyrnrecommends chat if development goals of' the country are to be really attained, morernresearches of' longitudinal ones' should be conducted on the area, managers of businessrnorganizations should build up their knowledge and ability to best monitor and address anyrnrncounterproductive behavior of their employees resulting from Tchat chewing habit.rnBesides, organizations should try to preserve their human resource quality by assisting thernemployees engaged in Tchat chewing habit to the level of affecting their work performancerncome out of the habit through different organizational policies as well as employeernassisting program.'. Furthermore the national policies should also address preserving ofrnthe quality of human resource and the productive age citizens and contribute to healthy andrnSubstance abuse free working environment.

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Perception Of Employees And Employers  Towards Tchat (catha Edulis) Chewing Habit And Their Productivity (the Case Of Sheet Metal And Wood Works Organizations In Arada Sub  City)