Customers Attitude Towards Boycotting Pepsi A Case Study On Addis Ababa

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Customers' attitude plays an important role in determining the success. failure or thernpace of the business. Customers' attitude plays an important role not only towards thernproducts or brands of the company but also towards the company and the personalitiesrnaround the company. If the customers develop a negative attitude towards thernproducts or the company. it will be very difficult for the company to cope with suchrnsituation.rnThe objective of the study was to assess the customers' attitude towards the boycott ofrnPepsi as a reaction to AI-Amudi’s support to EPRDF in terms of his popularity.rnaccusation of foreign citizenship. Publicity or the support, the existence of substituternproducts. the elect ion result and possible appeal by the leaders of opposition parties.rnThe method used in conducting the study is descriptive survey where 150rnquestionnaires were prepared and distributed to the respondents who are residents ofrnAddis Ababa. The questionnaires contained fifteen statements in which respondentsrnwere required to tick one of the checkboxes as per Liker scale. The data collectedrnwere tabulated and analyzed using Weighted and table mean values.rnThe result is that popularity of the businessman, the publicity of hi s support throughrnmedia and the existence of substitute products (Coca) strengthened customers'rnattitude towards the boycott. The accusation of his foreign citizenship didn't affect thernattitude towards the boycott. The election result is expected to affect the attitude whilernthe possible appeal by the leaders of opposition parties to stop the boycott is expectedrnto have no effect for the majority of the respondents while a significant numberrnthough not majority expect the appeal to have effect on the termination of the boycott.rnAnd recommendations are drawn accordingly.

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Customers Attitude Towards Boycotting Pepsi A Case Study On Addis Ababa