Cross Sectional Study On Assessment Of Parturient Need Of Continuous Nurses Labor Support In Labor Wards In Public Hospital Under Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau.
Maternity And Reproductive Health Nursing Project Topics
Introduction: Supporting women at delivery is an essential part care during labor. The term rn'labor support' refers to continuous non-medical care of a laboring woman. It includes physical rncomforting such as touching, massaging, bathing, grooming, applying warmth or cold; and rnemotional support such as continuous companion reassurance, encouragement, anticipatory rnguidance, information provision, and non-medical advice. Labor support and care may also rninvolve procedures and facilitation of communication between the woman and staff to assist her rnin making informed choices .Furthermore; it may comprise emotional support for woman's rnpartner. rnObjectives: To assess parturient need and satisfaction of continue nurse support in labor wards rnin Public Hospital under Addis Ababa city administration Health Bureau. rn rnMethods: Institutional based descriptive quantitative cross-sectional study was employed. The rnstudy was conducted in Hospitals under Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau. The rndata collection was carried out using structured questionnaires filled by trained student nurses. rnData was be analyzed using EPI 3.04 and transformed to SPSS version 16.00 in the computer for rnfurther analysis. rnResult: About 91.1% of need women continuous nurses support during labor. The women rated rnthe most important supporting nurses’ behavior were emotional need followed by tangible rnsupport. rnConclusion: the nursing behaviors that tap into emotional support were found to be the most rnimportant. Emphasizing the emotional dimension of the process of labor in addition to the technical aspect can be very important. To maintain high standards of professional quality care in rnreproductive health, nurses need to recognize helpful nursing support behaviors to laboring rnwomen.