Development And Characterization Of Mechanical Properties Of Al6063 Alloy Reinforced Fly Ash And E-glass Fiber Composite

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Currently, one of the key concerns in automotive engineering is the weight minimizationrnof a part without any reduction in load carrying capacity and stiffness. The presentrninvestigation deals with investigating the hardness, compression, and flexural propertiesrnof Al6063/ E-glass fiber/ Fly ash Composite as a possible replacement to the existingrnsteel outer door panel of the Toyota Hiace four-wheel vehicle. In this study ten compositernspecimens were prepared as per ASTM standards size by machining operations tornconduct flexural, hardness, and compression tests. Comparing the ten composites thernresult showed the composite with 7% of E-Glass fiber/ 6% fly ash had the maximumrnmechanical property of hardness and compression strength with the value of 116.73HRBrnand 850.31MPa respectively. And maximum flexural strength was found with compositern5% of E-Glass fiber/ 9% fly ash with the value of 340.1MPa. In this study, a volumernfraction of 5% E-Glass fiber with 9% Fly ash was selected as a composite for the outerrndoor panel because for all mechanical properties listed above it shows a better result.rnThen this paper effort to attain, designing less deformed and stressed than that of thernexisting Toyota Hiace vehicle steel outer door panel. The solid modeling of the outer doorrnpanel was done on SOLIDWORK 2017 and analyzed using ANSYSR18.1 workbenchrnsoftware. From transient structural analysis, it is seen that weight reduction of the outerrndoor panel is obtained up 66.24% in the case of the composite than structural steel, andrnthe equivalent stress-induced and deformation in the Al6063/E-Glass fiber/ fly ashrncomposite outer door panel is 66.24 % and 26.3 % respectively less than the current steelrnouter door panel. Lastly, based on this result, the study concludes that the recentlyrndesigned Al6063/E-Glass Fiber/ Fly ash composite outer door panel has a betterrnpresentation than that of the conventional steel outer door panel of the Toyota Hiace Vanrnvehicle.

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Development And Characterization Of Mechanical Properties Of Al6063 Alloy Reinforced Fly Ash And E-glass Fiber Composite