Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Fear Of Childbirth Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care In Selected Public Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021

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Background: Fear of childbirth is defined as feelings of uncertainty and anxiety before,rnduring, or after childbirth. It ranges from low to severe fears that women experience inrnrelation with childbirth. It affects the wellbeing of mothers during perinatal life and herrnfamily.rnObjective: To determine the prevalence of fear of childbirth and associated factors amongrnpregnant women attending antenatal care in selected Public Hospitals Addis Ababa, Ethiopiarn2021.rnMethods: Institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 405 pregnant womenrnattending antenatal care in four selected public Hospitals in Addis Ababa. Simple randomrnsampling and systematic random sampling methods were used to select Hospitals and studyrnparticipants respectively. Data was collected through face-to-face interviews using arnstructured pre-tested questioner. Wijma Delivery Expectation/Experience Questionnaire wasrnused to score fear of childbirth. Collected data were entered using Epi-data-4.6 statisticalrnsoftware and analyzed using SPSS-25 statistical packages. In bivariate analysis P-value, lessrnthan 0.25 was considered for multi variate analysis, in multivariate analysis of P-value lessrnthan 0.05 considered as significant.rnResults: Out of the total, 400 respondents took part in the study with a response rate ofrn98.8%. This study showed that 111(27.7%) of study participants had low fear of childbirth,rn176(44.0%) moderate, 68(17.0%) high, 45(11.3%) severe fear of childbirth. Having nornformal education(AOR=5,95%CI:(1.37-18.15)(p=0.02), previous obstetrics complicationsrnAOR=3,95%CI: (1.14-7.8)(p=0.03), mode of delivery preference AOR=3,95%CI:(1.02-9.03)rn(p=0.045). Having medical illness AOR=3.6,95% CI (1.02-9.03) (p=0.02) showed significantrnassociation with a fear of childbirth. Conclusion and recommendations: Fear of childbirthrnis prevalent in the study setting. Fear of childbirth was linked to educational attainment,rnprevious obstetric problems, medical illness, and mode of delivery preference. Based on arncut-off value of high and severe fear of childbirth, the women were classified as having fearrnof childbirth. This group included 28.2% of all women with FOC. Early identification ofrnwomen at risk of childbirth anxiety is clinically significant in the study setting to improvernwomen's health during perinatal periods.

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Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Fear Of Childbirth Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care In Selected Public Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021