Attitude Of College Students On Entrepreneurship A Case Study Of Addis Ababa University And Rift Valley University College

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Entrepreneurship is the symbol of business strength and growth. Entrepreneurs are thernfounders of today's business success. Development is more than ever linked tornentrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are characterized by their high need for achievement,rnwillingness to assume moderate risks, self-confidence, innovation, total commitment, allrnroundedness, self determination and desire for independence.rnThis research paper is, hence, aimed at identifying the attitude of c01lege studentsrntowards entrepreneurship or business ownership, the specific constraints that impedernyoung people to start business, and incentives for starting a business as a viablernalternative for the youth among others.rnThe findings show that motivators to starting up a business by the young people amongrnothers are independence, desire to change hobby into business, improving the society'srnlife, and helping to create employment. On the other hand, access to finance for start up,rnlack of appropriate education, training, business counseling and low level ofrnunderstanding towards entrepreneurship are considered as some of the important factorsrnthat act as barriers to start a business by the young people.rnFinally, promoting an entrepreneurial culture among the society and the young people inrnparticular through various ways like training and education, giving better media coveragernconcerning entrepreneurship, use of successful role models that are well known amongrnthe young people, conducting competitions relating to business ideas, and improvingrnaccess to finance are some of the recommendations made.

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Attitude Of College Students On Entrepreneurship A Case Study Of Addis Ababa University And Rift Valley University College