Late Antenatal Care Booking And Associated Factor Among Pregnant Women In Mizan-aman Town South West Ethiopia 2021 A Mixed Study Method .

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Background: Antenatal care (ANC) is one of the key strategies for reducing maternal andrnneonatal morbidity and mortality directly by antenatal care service. World health organizationrnrecommends;rnrnthe first ANC contact should be within the first trimester of gestational age.rnObjective: To determine late antenatal care booking and associated factors among pregnantrnwomen in Mizan-Aman Town, South West Ethiopia, 2021.rnMethod: Institutional based a convergent mixed study designed was implemented. The datarncollection was conducted from February, 15 to March 25, 2021 through structured questioner forrnquantitative study and in-depth, key informant interview by using of semi-structured questionerrnfor qualitative study. A total of 425 pregnant women were recruited by systematic randomrnsampling method for quantitative, 11 late ANC booker pregnant women and 9 health carernprovider for qualitative. The data was analysis by using logistic regression model (quantitativerndata) and thematicrnrnanalysis was used for qualitative data with assistance QDA miner lite softrnware. rnResults: From the overall participants [70.0 %, 95% CI=65.65, 74.35] of pregnant women’srnwere late to book their first ANC booking. Living in rural [AOR= 2.38, 95% CI: 1.0, 5.68],rnunplanned pregnancy [AOR = 2.63, 95% CI: 1.18, 5.85], inappropriate perception of ANCrnstarting time [AOR=4.1, 95% CI: 1.9, 8.83], pregnant women who didn’t have awareness aboutrnpregnancy related danger sign [AOR= 6.76, 95% CI: 2.83, 16.1] and the pregnant women thosernwho didn’t know the service delivery through the working hour in the institution[AOR= 0.44,rn95% CI: 0.19, 0.98] found to be significantly associated factors with late initiation of antenatalrncare. Additionally, the qualitative study identified a number of reasons were: Health carernprovider recommendation Unaware of being pregnant , Being busy ,Unfriendly health carernprovider and Card room related problemrnConclusion and recommendations: The current study showed a higher prevalence of delayedrnantenatal care initiation. All responsible bodes working in maternal and child health care betterrnto create awareness for community on the family planning, benefit of early ANC booking andrnappropriate ANC starting time.

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Late Antenatal Care Booking And Associated Factor Among Pregnant Women In Mizan-aman Town South West Ethiopia 2021 A Mixed  Study Method .