Reasons And Lived Experiences Of Women Who Undergone Repeat Induced Abortion In Wolaita Sodo Townwolaita Zone Southern Ethiopia2021.

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Background: Induced abortion is surgical or medical termination of a live fetus that hasrnnot reached viability. Repeat induced abortion refers to a condition in which a woman hasrnat least one previous history of induced pregnancy termination. It bound in a vicious cyclernwith repeat unintended or unplanned pregnancy and remains rising concern in therninternational community, particularly for developing countries. Repeat induced abortion isrncommonly associated with contraceptive type a woman use, that is not well suited to herrnstatus. If it is not corrected after a first abortion, the risk of having repeat abortions willrnincrease. Objectives: This study was aimed to explore and describe the reasons of women,rnwho undergo repeat induced abortion; in Wolaita Sodo town, Wolaita zone, SouthernrnEthiopia. Methods: A qualitative phenomenological study approach was conducted fromrnFebruary 15 up to March 22, 2021 among women in Wolaita Sodo town. Women betweenrn17 and 35 years old, who had been repeat induced abortion seekers and used to live inrnWolaita Sodo town were selected using purposive sampling. The investigator conductedrnthe interviews by using semi-structured interview guide through In-Depth interview datarncollection method. Data were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and translated in tornEnglish and at the end imported to ATLAS.ti 8 software for coding. Analysis was donerndeductively. Code book development, peer debriefing, multiple coders and audit trialsrnwere applied to maintain rigor of the data. Result: The findings revealed reasons of repeatrninduced abortion among women at maternal, partner and family, healthcare andrneducational institution, community and policy level. It also explored effects of abortionrnand unwanted pregnancy in the women's perspectives. Economic problem, fear ofrncontraceptive side effects and desire to limit number of children were repetitivelyrnmentioned reasons. Conclusion: Study revealed multiple reasons for repeat inducedrnabortion in holistic manner; and presented key emotional and physical effects of abortionrnand unintended pregnancy. Recommendations: multistage interventions at individual,rnfamily, community, institutions and policy level are suggested to prevent the problem.

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Reasons And Lived Experiences Of Women Who Undergone Repeat Induced Abortion In Wolaita Sodo Townwolaita Zone Southern Ethiopia2021.