Assessment Of Policy Formulation And Its Implementation To Control Alcohol Advertising Ban In Ethiopia

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It is known that a proclamation has been issued regarding the ban on alcohol advertising inrnEthiopia; as a result, all alcohol advertising on television and radio stopped. Accordingly, thernpurpose of the study was to analyze and investigate policy formulation and its implementation torncontrol the alcohol advertising ban in Ethiopia. The analysis primarily focused on alcoholrnadvertising policies and strategic documents. The research in addition to the policy approachrnwas guided by the theories and models derived from the literature review on alcohol advertisingrnban policy formulation and implementation to analyze the access to the policy process and levelrnof influence enjoyed by key government and non-government actors. A qualitative approach wasrnused to analyze the research questions in the study. In-depth interviews with key informants,rndocument review, and observation methods of data collection were used and also served torntriangulate the data. A purposive sampling method was used to select and undertake in-depthrninterviews with a total of 20 Key Informants from both the government and NGOs institute that isrnthe Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority of Ethiopia,rnEthiopian public health institute, Ministry of Women Children and Youth, Ethiopian BroadcastrnAuthority and Mathios Wondu Ethiopian Cancer Society. Findings, from each of the abovementionedrninstitutions, have identified their distinct role to play in the Alcohol AdvertisingrnProhibition Proclamation, from Formation to implementation process. This study concluded thatrnconfirms the involvement of government bodies and non-governmental organizations andrnexplores the policy processes that need to be considered in order for other policy-making optionsrnand identifies those responsible for its implementation.rnKey words: policy, alcohol, advertisement, formulation, implementation

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Assessment Of Policy Formulation And Its Implementation To Control Alcohol Advertising Ban In Ethiopia