Assessment Of Water Service Delivery Utilization And Customer Satisfaction At Condominium Sites In Addis Ababa The Case Of Woyra Condominium Site Kolfe Keraneo Sub City

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In condominium houses the issue of water supply is crucial. The present study aimed to assessrnthe water delivery, utilization and customer satisfaction at Woyra condominium site in Kolfernkeranio Sub-city, Addis Ababa. A cross-sectional study was conducted from May 2021 to Julyrn2021. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to analyze information gatheredrnconcerning the respondents’ characteristics, water supply situation, and customers’ level ofrnsatisfaction towards the service. Moreover, information on the water delivery system, utilizationrnand customer satisfaction has been analyzed. Among a total of 240 sample households, about thernrespondents’ households had a family size ranging from a single person to 9 individuals in whichrnthe majority (61.3%) of the households had a family size of 4-6 individuals. This survey revealedrnthat the majority of the respondents, 84.1% showed their agreement on the availability ofrnfunctional water pipe lines. More than half of the total respondents, 58.7%, replied that they didrnnot agree on the availability of adequate water supply for their average daily consumptionrnneeds. The study also showed that only about 5% of the respondents were satisfied with therncurrent water supply system to the study site. The most rated water supply challenges in thernpresent study were insufficient water source (49.5%), increasing number of population (14.1%)rnand frequent water interruption (10.5%). In the focus group discussion, both the residents of thernstudy site and the water authority officials agreed that there are opportunities to improve thernwater supply service. Hence, the researcher recommended appropriate intervention measuresrnshould be taken by the water authority to alleviate the challenges in supplying adequate andrnquality water in the study area.

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Assessment Of Water Service Delivery Utilization And Customer Satisfaction At Condominium Sites In Addis Ababa The Case Of Woyra Condominium Site Kolfe Keraneo Sub City