Work Related Stress Experienced By Midwives Caring For Expectant Mothers With Comfirmed Covid-19 During Child Birth At Eka Kotebe General Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021 A Qualitative Study.

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Background: CIVID-19 is a new disease that infects a large number of people, killingrna ratio of whom every day in the world. The nature of the health institution andrnhealthcare system are considered as a high risk and intensive work area for workrnrelated stress. But still there is limited data about work related stress of midwivesrnespecially during COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia. rn Objective: To explore the work-related stress experienced by midwives caring forrnexpectant mothers with COVID-19 during child birth at Eka Kotebe General Hospital,rnAddis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnMethod: This study was performed by descriptive phenomenological research design.rn11 midwives were purposively selected who gave care for labouring mothersrnconfirmed with COVID-19, at Eka Kotebe General Hospital, from 08 February to 08rnMarch 2021, with in depth interview. The analysis was conducted with thematicrnanalysis and ATLAS. ti 8 qualitative software was used to support the analysis. rnResults: The results of this study were summarized in to three major themes. Firstly,rnpsychological feeling which consisting of negative and positive feelings ofrnrespondents to wards accepting the anti-epidemic tasks. Secondly, work relatedrnstressors which included effects of the epidemic, administrative gaps, nature of thernepidemic and its concerns, work load, nature of work, and lack of needs were the mainrncauses of for work related stress from this study result. Finally, coping strategiesrnwhich contained distraction, expression of feelings, normalization and refusal to dwellrnon the experiences. rnConclusion: This study showed that the midwives experienced a variety of workrelatedrnrnstressors during care of child birth for pregnant mothers with COVID-19.rnThrough proper planning by authorities, it is possible to manage possible causes ofrnwork-related stress for midwives and improve their mental health status.

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Work Related Stress Experienced By Midwives Caring For Expectant Mothers With Comfirmed Covid-19 During Child Birth At Eka Kotebe General Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021 A Qualitative Study.