Commercial bank of Ethiopia is making efforts to create awareness and usage of mobilernbanking services few people are using the facility given by the bank Only a few kinds ofrnresearch have been conducted in these areas. Research should be conduct to solve thernproblems. The main objective of this study is to make analytics of the mobile bankingrncustomer usage behavior in the commercial bank of Ethiopia. The study was conducted byrnusing a descriptive type of study based on a quantitative approach to analyze mobile bankingrncustomers' usage behavior. The population of interest in this study comprising of mobilernbanking customers in the commercial banks of Ethiopia. The study was carried out usingrnsystem-derived secondary data. The analysis of the system-derived data was done with helprnof tableau desktop software. The overall results were revealed that analytics of mobilernbanking customer usage behavior has a significant role for a commercial bank in Ethiopia torndraw hidden insight and to aid decision making. The researcher made exploratory andrndescriptive analyses were performed on the available data set. The study recommended banksrnmaximize extensive use of data to make data-driven decisions making.