Iintegral Equation Methods In Differential Equations

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All ellll/obolal/ieal sludy was conducted 10 docl/menl medicinal plwlI.· lH'ed by the local people and theirrnindigenous knowledge ill Menz Gera Midir Districl, North Shewa Zone of the Amhara Regional State.rnEthiopia. Data were collected from 72 (12 of Ihem key informams) informa",s using semi-structuredrninterviews, group discus!:.-ions and guided field walk. Priority ranking, paired comparil·oll. (IireCI matrixrnral/king and by calclilalion of the informam consensus faclOr (ICF) were IIsed ill dow analysis. Ol/ernhUlldred fifty five medicinal plant '!'pecies from the natural vegetation (67. J%) and homegardells (32.9%)rnclaimed to be used by the local people for the treatment of human and livestock ailments. A total of I J jrnspecies are ",elltiolled for the treatment of only hllman heallh problems, 10 species for Irealllleni ofrn/ivesrock ailmellls only and 30 for both human and livestock diseases. Asleraceae, which cOlllributed 16rnspecies. s/Ood first followed by Lamiaceae with 12 species. The medicinal flora of the study area isrncomposed of 68 (43. 9%) herb. 47 shrub, 29 tree and I I climber species. The IIIOSt frequently used p{alllrnparll' are leaws (43.9%) followed by roots (31%). The most frequent mode of preparalion of plmllrnmedicine was pounding (27. 9O.Ai) followed by powdering (I6%). The most COIIIIIIon route of administrationrnof tradilional medicine was oral (48%) followed by dermal (28.6%). The highesl ICF values were linked rornproblems associated wilh abdominal and gastrointestinal diseases (0.86) followed by dermatologicalrnproblelll (0.83). Priority ranking showed that people of the area preferred Lupilllls albus, which was thernrarest medicinal plant in the study area. Paired comparison offive species ofp/(lIIb showed thm Cucllfbirarnpepo is the most preferred species by Iradi/ional healers for the trealment of headache. Olea eurOlxlearnsubsp. cllspidara was shaWl/to be the IIIO!>'t IIIl1ltipllrpo'!"e species. The medicillal planl remurce of the arearnis I"reatened by agriclllwral expansion to grazing lal/ds andforests, charcoal making, firewood collectionrnand O·ergra:illg. I"-situ cOllsen'ation and cultivatioll of medicinal plallis in homegardens arernrecommended as remedial actions.

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Iintegral Equation Methods In Differential Equations