Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine Utilization And Associated Factors Among Reproductive Age Women In Debre Markos Townnorth-west Ethiopia2021a Community Based Cross Sectional Study.

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Background: Pregnant women will reduce the risk of neonatal tetanus infection by receiving tworndoses of maternal tetanus toxoid vaccine. In Ethiopia, however, low levels of immunizationrncoverage, mostly due to missed opportunities, are a concern. rnObjective: To assess tetanus toxoid vaccine utilization and associated factors among reproductiveagernwomenrnin DebrernMarkosrnTown,rnNorth-WestrnEthiopia,2021.rnrnMethods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 505 mothers who hadrngiven birth in the last 12 months from February 08 to March 08, 2021, in Debre Markos Town. Arntwo-stage stratified sampling technique was applied. The participants were selected using arnsystematic random sampling technique. Data were entered into Epi-Data manager Version 4.6.0rnand analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25 software. Bivariablernand multivariable binary logistic regression analysis was performed. Adjusted odds ratios (AORs)rnwith their 95% CIs were used to identify factors associated with TT utilization. rnResults: In the final analysis, the total tetanus vaccine intake (TT+2) doses were found to be 71.2rn%. Mothers who were attended primary education [AOR: 0.07,95% CI: (0.01-0.6)], mothers whosernhusbands had secondary education [ AOR: 0.26, 95% CI: (0.08-0.84)], mothers attended 2-3 forrnANC visit [AOR: 0.05,95% CI: (0.01-0.3)], good quality service served [AOR: 2.8, 95% CI: (1.057.5)],rnappropriaternbehaviorrnofrnhealthrnworkersrn[AOR:rn6.2,rn95%rnCI:rn(2.2-18.7)]rnandrnwhornvisitedrnwithrnrnhealthrnextensionrnworkersrnrn[AOR: 7.6, 95% CI: (2.3-25.3)] were significantly associated with TTrnvaccine utilization. rnConclusion: Despite the fact that the study was conducted in a town, only three out of every fourrnparticipant women received the current TT vaccine during their previous pregnancy. The mostrninfluencing factors in TT vaccine use were mothers with low educational levels, low husband’srneducational level, attended 2-3 ANC visit during pregnancy, poor standard of health care service,rnimproper actions of health professionals, and mothers visited with health extension staff.

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Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine Utilization And Associated Factors Among Reproductive Age Women In Debre Markos Townnorth-west Ethiopia2021a Community Based Cross Sectional Study.