Factors Affecting The Export Performance Of Firms Operating In Bole Lemi Industrial Parks In Ethiopia

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The main purpose of this study was to examine factors affecting export performance of firmsrnoperating in Bole Lemi industrial park developments. In this study the descriptive andrnexplanatory research design method has been used.The study adopted a stratified randomrnsampling technique to select the sample size. Both primary and secondary data sources werernused. The study employed both descriptive and inferential analysis methods to arrive at thernconclusion. Accordingly, the study has tried to assess the role of Labor Supply, Financing,rnTechnology, Management, Raw Material, Marketing, Government Regulation and Incentive andrnInfrastructural variables in connection with the export performance of firms operating in BolernLemi Industrial Park. Accordingly, based on the descriptive result of this study, there is lack ofrnskilledmanpower howevertrainable labor was sufficient., The findings of the study shows thatrnthat there is a technological advancement challenge in the park, as well as a lack of finance tornacquire new technology because it requires huge investment, as well as the lack of skills andrncapability to handle new technology. Concerning management factor management’s exposurernfor foreign trade was found low.The poor quality of locally produced raw material,rnunreasonable price of locally produced raw material, and high dependency on imported rawrnmaterials were found to be the major challenges in raw material supplies of the park. Based onrnthe regression result, these variables explain 38.1% variability on the dependent variablern(Export Performance). This study would like to recommendconducive working environmentrnshould be created to retain and motivate the existing skilled labor force.The companies of thernpark should play a crucial role in facilitating technological learning, innovation and catch-uprnprocess.The Park should focus on building upon the management’s commitment for exportingrnto achieve superior performance in foreign markets.

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Factors Affecting The Export Performance Of Firms Operating In Bole Lemi Industrial Parks In Ethiopia