Hydrogeochemstry And New Water Resource Identification Of Axum Area

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The investigation of grou ndwater in Axum area thai emphasize on geochemical Variations on thern~ llIdy are is conducted using hydromctcroiogica i, geological, hydorogcoJgica l, hydochcmica t, andrngeophysical techniques.rnThe study area is found in Tigray region, central zone, which is situated about 1025 km 00l1h ofrnAddis Ababa. It is located on UTM coord inates between 154760- 156700N and 458000-rn480,OOOE, including AXUIll town and its surrounding areas with a total areal coverage of 425.7rnsq.km. The area is covered by basement complex, Mesozoic fonnations, basah and phonolite &rntrachyte plugs.rnThe area has a mean annua l rainfall of 672mm and Illean annual temperature of 19.4°c. Based onrnqua litative borehole data, borehole logs and fi eld observation four types of hydrostratiphic unitsrnare found in the study area. These are metamorphic rocks, Siltstone and Sandstone, Basalt andrnAdwa fonnatioJ1.rnThe geochemical study indicates that there is a difference in chemical compositon of waters fromrndifferent lithologies, especially boreholes that penetrate the basalt and mudstone have highrnchemical ions resurlting a deteriorate water qua lity on TH, TDS, EC.rnBased on the available geophysical data high values of lotal transverse unit resislance (T) isrnobtained fonn YES 12, YES 9, YES I and YES5 suggesting that a thick with high resisti vityrnmaterial is located in the area where these YES arc taken.

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Hydrogeochemstry And New Water Resource Identification Of Axum Area