Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior Of Fast-moving Consumer Goods (fmcg) In Addis Ababa A Case Of Laundry Detergents Products

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The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting consumer buyingrnbehavior of fast moving goods in Addis Ababa, a case of laundry detergents products. Anrnexplanatory research design was used for the study. The population of the study comprised allrnconsumers of laundry detergents in Addis Ababa. A multi stage cluster sampling was used andrnsample size was 384. Out of the targeted 384 respondents, 328 responded. Primary data wasrncollected using semi- structured questionnaires. Descriptive statistics such as measures ofrncentral tendency, percentages and frequencies distributions were used to analyze andrnsummarize data. Inferential statistics, correlation analysis was used to identify the relationshiprnbetween the independent variables and the dependent variable and regression analysis also usedrnto see how much influence the independent variables have on dependent variables. The datarngathered from the questionnaire was entered and all the analysis was performed with StatisticalrnPackage for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 20). On fast moving consumer goods on the casernof laundry detergent products, the study found out that different detergents mentioned by thernrespondents, with Diva as the most used and followed by Largo and then Sunlight brand.rnRegarding the factors influencing buying behavior of laundry detergents; majority of thernrespondents indicated that the products were of good quality, widely available, reasonablernprice, and of advertised. The study concluded that the buying behavior of laundry detergentrnproducts in Addis Ababa influenced by the product quality, availability, price and advertisement.rnThe study recommended that manufacturers dealing in these laundry detergents products inrnparticular and fast moving consumer goods in general, give more attention for consumers buyingrnbehavior and should adopt a strong marketing strategy

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Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior Of Fast-moving Consumer Goods (fmcg) In Addis Ababa A Case Of Laundry Detergents Products