Determinants Of Coffee Export Performance In Ethiopia

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Although coffee plays a dominant role as a source of foreign exchange income, as it makes uprnthe largest proportion of the export sector in Ethiopia, the potential in the region is not fullyrnrealized. As stated in various references, the performance of Ethiopian coffee exports to the restrnof the world is low in relation to the country's potential. Therefore, the main objective ofrnconducting this study is to examine the determinants of the export performance of coffee inrnEthiopia. Accordingly, seven specific objectives have been developed under the theme of thernmain objective, comprising the variables examined; Company barriers, product barriers,rninstitutional support problems, government policy and regulatory factors, export industryrnbarriers, export market challenges and infrastructural challenges in Ethiopia. To achieve therngoal of the study, the researcher used a mixed research approach that combines both arnqualitative and a quantitative research approach. Both primary and secondary data sourcesrnwere used in conducting the study. The primary data were collected through questionnaires andrninterviews. The secondary data was used by various websites, articles, and research edited in thernarea of the study. In order to arrive at meaningful facts and conclusions, the collected data werernanalyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the study showed that thernexport performance of coffee in Ethiopia is significantly influenced by external barriers such asrnfactors related to institutional support, political and regulatory environment, export industryrnbarriers, export market barriers and infrastructural challenges. Finally, based on the results ofrnthe study, the researcher has made possible recommendations for coffee exporters, governmentrninstitutions, and policy makers on how to mitigate the factors influencing coffee exportrnperformance in Ethiopia

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Determinants Of Coffee Export Performance In Ethiopia