Factors Affecting The Adoption Of Amole Digital Payment Platform The Case Of Dshen Bank S.c

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The objective of this study was to identify factors affecting the adoption of Amole mobilernbanking payment from the subscribers point of view. Adoption can be measured using thernfollowing variables: Attitude, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, andrnreliability. The research was explanatory by nature and it followed a quantitative approach,rnthus a deductive research approach was used. Data were collected through a five points Likertrntype summated rating scales based questionnaire. Relatively a large sample of three hundredrneighty-four was surveyed. Correlation and regression analysis has been deployed torndetermine the strength of association between the dependent and independent variables. Oncernthe use of these regression and correlation analysis is warranted; that is after the analysis testrnis qualified then the coefficient of regression analysis was used to substantiate or disprove thernformulated hypothesis. The study revealed that all variables have a significant effect on thernadoption of the Amole digital platform in the study area. Finally, the research found thatrnperceived risk is the more significant factor that affects adoption of Amole followed byrnattitude, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and reliability

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Factors Affecting The Adoption Of Amole Digital Payment Platform The Case Of Dshen Bank S.c