Quality Of Marketing Education And Employability Skills Of Marketing Graduates Graduates As Products

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Higher education institutions are required to make fit learners for the world of work byrnequipping with the necessary knowledge and skills that are required to accomplish assignedrntasks in a way they need to be performed. Enhancing graduate employability and makingrngraduates fit for the world of work is partly the responsibility of higher education institutions.rnRecently studies are being held to assess the paradigm shift whether students should bernconsidered as products or customers of higher education institutions. Based on the differentrnunderstanding of the output of higher education institutions, in the definition of educationalrnproducts, scholars have produced two opposing views which are the student-product view andrnservice-product view of higher education. Higher education institutions can be seen asrnmanufacturing companies where their products are graduates with the needed specificationsrndemanded by the labor market consumers, employers. However; the development process isrninfluenced by quality of education. The primary objective of this paper was to assess quality ofrnMarketing education, examine its relationship with employability skills of Marketing graduatesrnand measure the effect of quality of Marketing education on employability skills of Marketingrngraduates. The study viewed quality of Marketing education as the quality of lecturers’, thernmethods of teaching they employed and availability of learning resources. To address thernobjectives of the study, data were collected through a structured questionnaire from Marketingrngraduates working in different government offices and employers of Marketing graduates inrndifferent industries. The study employed quantitative methods of research. For both Marketingrngraduates and employers more than 400 questionnaires were distributed. Returnedrnquetionnareswere organized and analyzed through SPSS version 23. The finding revealed thatrnquality of Marketing education has a positive relationship and significant influence onrnemployability skills of Marketing graduates. Of all the dimensions of quality of Marketingrneducation, methods of teaching is found be the most influential variable followed by quality ofrnlecturers and lastly availability of learning resources

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Quality Of Marketing Education And Employability Skills Of Marketing Graduates Graduates As Products