The dcpcndcncy o fthc performance of organic bulk heteroj uct ion (B HJ) so lar cell s onrnthe nanomorphology of the photoactive blend can be co ntro lled by so lvent additi ves.rnIn this work BI-IJ so lar cells ba sed on PDTS'ITz:PCBM (1:1) which processcd byrnus ing a host solvcnt di-chl orobc nzcnc and 2.5% (v/v) different solvent add iti ves suchrnas iodobutane, iodoethane, di-iodometha ne. and iodomcthane were constructed. Therneffects of the aforementioned addit ives on the photovolta ic parametcrs of the so larrncells wcre in vcstigated. Deviccs processed in 2.5% (v/v) of iodobutanc cx hibited thernhi ghest power convers ion e fTI cicncy (PCE) up to 2.02% as compared to the pri st inernPDTST f z:PCBM deviccs (without add itive) (0.39%). The UY-Yis absorptionrnspectra of films showed the existence of red shift in th c prcsence of thcse addi tivcsrnres ulting from thc growth of enhanced local structure with d istinct, opt imized phasernscpa ratcd morph ology. Bcsides, the introduction of P3HT donor intornPDTSTTzlPCBM system forming a ternary bl end a lso showed improvcd cfficicncyrn(2.42%) following thc incrcascd sho rt ci rcu it current up to 11.08 mi/cm' throughrnimprovcd photon harvesting.rnKEYWORDS - Organic Solar Cell, Additi ve, Morphology, Bulk Il eterojunction