Simulation Of Five Layers Solid-state Memory Capacitor

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Tn t his work we provided th e simulation of a five layer charge-cont rolled memory capacitorrnin which periodic and non-period ic metamaterials are embeddcd between the platesrnof a rcgul ar paralic! plate capacitor. The simulation result shows hysteretic, negative andrndiverging in capacitance-voltage behavior and pinchcd hysterctic charge-voltage propcrtrnies in both periodic and non-periodic memcapacit ive systems. Even though the chargevornltage hysteresis loops of both perio dic and non periodic metamaterial memcapacit ivernsystems are pinched, the hysteresis loop of t he per iodic system is relatively wider t hanrnthat of the non-periodic and on the average the rem nant polarized charge on the periodicrnmemcapacitve system is higher than that of the non-periodic. This property of thernperiodic metamater ial memcapacitive system makes it a good candidate for non-volatilernmemory application over t he non-periodic one.

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Simulation Of Five Layers Solid-state Memory Capacitor