Invest Ligations Of Electronic And Phonon Mediated Superconductivity Of (rb K) Doped Graphene

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We performed ab-initio calculations on a novel class of superconductors,rnwhich comprise of alkali doped graphene. The graphene is doped wit h the potassiumrnand rubidium atoms. We theoretically studied lattice dynamics by performingrndensity functional perturbation t heory based simulations for studying doping effectsrnon graphene's phonon modes. Spectra of electronic and phonon density of statesrnare compared in between undoped and K and Rb doped graphene. Besides,rnthe study of electron-phonon int eractions is also performed and the signifi cantrnamount of electron-phonon coupling is found to be present among the K and Rbrndoped graphene. That is attributed as one of the reasons for as-found inducedrnsuperconductivity at certain crystal symmetry points of interest in Brillouin zonernof this material, specifically, at the (r and K) points. The higher values of electronphononrncoupli ngs of 0.3679 and 0.1907 correspondingly for the potassium andrnrubidium doped graphene are found to be responsible for the superconductivity.rnNevertheless, during our calculations the el-ph coupling strengths for pristinerngraphene is always found to be zero at various special points. In addi tion , thernprospects of the phenomena of su perconducti vi ty amongst the alkali doped graphenernare discussed in detail.

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Invest Ligations Of Electronic And Phonon Mediated Superconductivity Of (rb K) Doped Graphene