A Graduate Seminar Report On Iterative Methods For The Solution Of Large Systems Of Linear Equations

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Background: Zinc is important for normal human physiology and plays great role in cell growth,rnreproduction and immune system from inside utero until puberty. The element is especially neededrndming pregnancy for fetal growth. However, globally about two billion people are zinc deficient.rnPopulations in developing countries are at special risk of zinc deficiency associated to poor diet. Onlyrnlimited studies are available in Ethiopia reporting zinc nutritional status of pregnant women. Inrnaddition, factors assoc iated to low zmc concentration need to be identifi ed to develop optimalrnintervention. This study detennines serum zinc concentration among pregnant women in selectedrnhealth settings in Addis Ababa. In addi tion, it attempts to identify significant factors for low serumrnzinc in the study subj ects.rnMethodoIogy:- Institutional based cross-sectional study was canied out among pregnant womenrn(n=226) in Addis Ababa. Information such as soc io-demographi c characteristics, antlu'opometricrncharacteristics, di etary di versity, and obstctric history were collected ITom study participants. Inrnaddition, serum zinc concentration and C - reactive protein level wcre determined. Furthern10re,rnhemoglobin concentration of pregnant women was measured. Statistical analysis was done usingrnlogistic regression methods. P-value < 0.05 at 95% confidence interval was considered statisticallyrnsignificant.rnResult: The prevalence of zinc defic iency among pregnant women was 32. I % and media value ofrn90. 51lg/dl. Age range of participating women was 15-42 years with mean of 25.1 ±4.4 years. Highrnprevalence (37.6% vs 22.8, p= 0.026) of zinc deficiency was observed among multigravida mothersrnwhen compared to prim-gravida women. Nearly th ree fourth (73.1 %) of participating women hadrnnormal body mass index with mean value of 21.8±3.1 kg/m'. Majority, (95.8%) of the present studyrnparticipants ate starch foods group. About (52.8%) of the pregnant women had medium dicter di versityrnscore 24hrs preceding the survey with mean value of 4.9±1. 1. One in ten (10) of the present studyrnwomen were anemic. Pregnant women who had medium di etary diversity score reduced by 92%rnlikelihood of zinc deficiency than those who had high dietary diversity score (AOR: 0.075, P:

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A Graduate Seminar Report On Iterative Methods For The Solution Of Large Systems Of Linear Equations