The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of strategic change, communication systemrnand Covid-19 on the performance of employees of the commercial bank of Ethiopia during thernCorona pandemic. It also examined differences in the attitude of employees about strategicrnchange with respect to the types of departments, gender, age and years of services in the bank. Arnsample of 165 respondents were drawn from the CBE in each department using systematicrnsampling method. Primary data was collected through questionnaire. Data was analyzed usingrnmultiple linear regression, t test and one way ANOVA. The findings of the study indicated thatrnstrategic change implementation was significantly associated with employees’ performance withrnin the context of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. Furthermore, years of services was found to bernsignifcanlty associated with employee performance. Statistically significant differences inrnattitude towards strategic change among commercial bank employees was also found betweenrnfirst degree and second degree (t (163) = -3.08, p