Job Satisfaction And Its Determinants Among Midwives Working In Government Hospitals And Health Centers Under Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau Addis Ababa Ethiopia2015.

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Background: Job satisfaction of midwives has been and becoming a growing concern to healthrnservice organizations in both developed and developing countries. rnObjectives: This study was conducted to assess job satisfaction and its determinants amongrnmidwives working in government hospitals and health centers under Addis Ababa CityrnAdministration Health Bureau in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. rnMethodology: Institution based cross-sectional study with quantitative methods were conductedrnamong midwives working in Addis Ababa government hospitals and health centers under AddisrnAbaba City Administration Health Bureau, Ethiopia, from March to April 2015. A total of 234rnmidwives were recruited from three randomly selected government hospitals and from 46 healthrncenters found in six randomly selected sub-cities. A structured, pre tested, anonymousrnquestioners were used to collect data and the data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.rnBivariate and multivariate analyses were used to determine factors affecting job satisfaction. rnRESULT: From 234 eligible respondents 221 midwives participated in this study which makes arnresponse rate of 94.44%. The overall mean job satisfaction was 52.9%. Significant determinant ofrnjob satisfaction were found to be Sex [AOR=4.70 (95%CI: 1.36-12.37)], working unitrn[AOR=0.04 (95%CI:(0.001-0.45)], Educational status [AOR=5.74(95%CI: 1.48-40.47)], Maritalrnstatus [AOR=3.48 [1.01-11.97)], supervision [AOR=4.33 (95%CI: 1.53-20.22)], standard ofrncare[AOR 4.80, (3.38-50.10)]and work load [AOR 8.94, (95%CI 2.37-22.65)]. Midwives werernleast satisfied from salary, extrinsic reward and professional opportunity subscales while theyrnwere most satisfied from coworker relation and the standard of care they provided to clients. rnConclusion & recommendation: Half of midwives in the study population were satisfied withrntheir job. Heath organizations and other stake holders should consider the factors that contributernto job dissatisfaction and try to reduce them by implementing innovative strategies to increase jobrnsatisfaction.

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Job Satisfaction And Its Determinants Among Midwives Working In Government Hospitals And Health Centers Under Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau  Addis Ababa Ethiopia2015.