Assessment Of Knowledge And Practice Of Midwives Towards Care Of New Born With Asphyxia In Addis Ababa Health Services Ethiopia.

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Background: In resource-rich countries, the incidence of severe perinatal asphyxia (causingrndeath or severe neurological impairment) is about 1/1000 live births. In resource-poor countries,rnperinatal asphyxia is probably much more common. Data from hospital-based studies in suchrnsettings suggest an incidence of 5–10/1000 live births. Knowledge and skill of midwives has arngreat impact in prevention and management of perinatal asphyxia and decrease neonatalrnmortality rate. Yet there is no studies were conducted in Ethiopia to assess the knowledge andrnpractice of midwives towards care of new born with asphyxia .Therefore this study was designedrnto investigate the level of knowledge and identify the resuscitation skill on new born withrnasphyxia. Objective: Assessment of knowledge and practice of midwives towards care of newrnborn with asphyxia in Addis Ababa health services. Methods: Institutional based cross sectionalrnstudy was conducted in Addis Ababa health service. There are 265 midwives who work in AddisrnAbaba health services since the attributes being measured are not distributed normally the entirernpopulation was surveyed. Among776 the health services in Addis Ababa 58 have midwives; 6rnpublic, one army, one police and 22 private hospitals, 23 health center and 5 private clinics. Allrnmidwives from all institutions was included in the study. Data was collected from 253 midwivesrnat the health service using self administered structured questionnaire. Data collectors wererntrained on how to use the data collection instrument, approach study participant. Result: On thisrnstudy 253 midwives were participated .The result of the study showed that the level ofrnknowledge of asphyxia was low. Only 37.5% of midwives attained high overall knowledgernscore. Statically significant association was found between high knowledge score and servicernyear>21 year (OR=3.17895% CI=1.068, 9.466) p-value 0.038 compared to service year

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Assessment Of Knowledge And Practice Of Midwives Towards Care Of New Born With Asphyxia In Addis Ababa Health Services Ethiopia.