The Effect Of Organizational Justice On Employee Turnover Intention In The Hospitality Industry The Mediating Role Of Job Satisfaction

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The general objective of this study is to examine the effect of the three dimensions ofrnorganizational justices (distributive, procedural, and interactional justice) on turnoverrnintention with the mediating role of job satisfaction in the case of the hospitality industry.rnTowards this both descriptive and inferential research designs were deployed as techniquesrnof data analysis. Sample respondents were selected using stratified random samplingrntechnique from two selected companies in the hospitality industry in Addis Ababa namelyrnAddis international catering and Sheraton Addis hotel. A self-administered structuredrnquestionnaire was used as instrument of data collection. The data was collected from169rnemployees from the hospitality industry. Both descriptive and inferential data analysisrntechniques were deployed in analyzing the data. The correlation analysis matrix findingrnrevealed that there exist a statistically significant negative correlation between the turnoverrnintention and the three dimensions of organizational justices (Distributive justice,rnProcedural Justice and Interactional Justice). The result of the main effect regressionrnanalysis revealed that, among the three dimensions of organizational justices, Distributivernjustice, procedural justice and Interactional Justice found to have statistically significantrneffect on turnover intention, at 1 percent significant level. The mediation step regressionrnanalysis results also revealed that job satisfaction has a mediating role between employees’rnturnover intention and the three dimensions of organizational justices (Distributive justice,rnProcedural Justice and Interactional Justice). The study recommends that organizations inrnthe hospitality industry should to implement distributive, procedural and interactionalrnretention strategies to enhance employees’ retention perception. Moreover, as jobrnsatisfaction has a mediating role between employee’s turnover intention its necessary to putrnin place a mechanism to regularly measure the employee’s level of job satisfaction and workrnto enhance the employee’s level job satisfaction.

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The Effect Of Organizational Justice On Employee Turnover Intention In The Hospitality Industry The Mediating Role Of Job Satisfaction