Public Perception Of Efcc’s Performance From 2003 – 2007

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The main objective of this study was to find out the public perception of EFCC’s performance from 2003 to 2007. In carrying out this study, the researcher asked five research questions and reviewed relevant literatures such as Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Establishment Act 2004; And Corruption Handbook; Information Handbook 1 and so many orders. Survey research method was used in which questionnaire was distributed to collect the data. The population of the study was Enugu metropolis which consists of Enugu East, Enugu North and Enugu South. A sample size of 400 was drawn by calculation from the population of 722, 664 using Taro Yamane formula. The data were collected, presented and analyzed. Four hypotheses were tested using Chi-square formula and also decision rule. All the alternate hypotheses were accepted while all the null hypotheses rejected. The study revealed that the majority of the members of the public are aware of the activities of EFCC reducing corruption. It was also obvious that EFCC is a welcome idea by Nigerians and majority of the members of the public would want it to continue in the fight against corruption. The researcher also recommended that Effort must be made to ensure that quality staff is maintained. This can be made easy by employing more of professionally qualified staff. EFCC should be encouraged to develop their education 1and professional qualifications.  Government can train and retain existing EFCC personnel. Improvement of working condition of EFCC. EFCC should explain to the public where all the billions recovered so far from corrupt persons is being kept or remitted, or is the commission empowered to keep such money? Or has the money be returned to the state from where it was stolen. This is very important and, it helps the members of the public to know if the EFCC is operating within the rule of law in its activities. One way is to ensure that the EFCC defend the commission’s roles in fighting and prosecuting corrupt Nigerians. At this point, the commission is no longer is control or cannot determine what happens in court because it cannot be the accuser, the investigator and at the same time the judge” Government should allowed the EFCC to continue in its fight against crime and corruption in Nigerians. Thayer interference has made the job unprofessional.






Title page                                                                                 i

Approval page                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                            iv

Abstract                                                                           v

Tale of contents                                                               vi

List of tables                                                                    ix


Introduction                                                                    1

1.1   Background of the study                                          1

1.2      Statement of the research problem.                         3

1.3      Objectives of the study                                            4

1.4        Significance of the study                                                5

1.5      Research questions                                                  5

1.6      Research hypotheses.                                              6

1.7      Scope of study                                                                 7

1.8      Definition of terms                                                   8

1.9      Assumption.                                                            9

References                                                               10


Literature review                                                              11

2.1      Sources of literature.                                                       11

2.2      Historical background of EFCC.                               11

2.3      Tenure of office                                                                14

2.4      Effectiveness of EFCC                                              18

2.5      Problem of EFCC                                                      18

2.6      Solution to EFCC problems                                     19

2.7      Theoretical framework.                                            21

2.8      Review of literature                                                  25

2.9      Summary of literature review                                   27

References                                                               29


Research methodology                                                     30

3.1      Research design                                                       30

3.2      Research method                                                     30

3.3      Population of study                                                  31

3.4      Determination of sample size                                   31

3.5      Sampling technique                                                 32

3.6      Measuring instrument                                             33

3.7      Method of collection                                                         33

3.8      Method of data analysis                                           33

3.9      Expected result                                                        34


Data presentation, analysis and results                           35

4.1      Data presentation and analysis                               35

4.2      Testing of hypotheses                                              49

4.3      Discussion of findings                                             57


Summary, conclusion and recommendations                  60

5.1      Summary                                                                         60

5.2      Conclusion                                                              61

5.3      Recommendations                                                   62

References                                                               64








4.1.1               Gender distribution                                                 35

4.1.2        Age distribution                                               36

4.1.3        Marital status                                                  36

4.1.4        Education qualification                                    37

4.1.5        Occupation distribution                                   38

4.1 5:       Question no 6-do you know the concept of EFCC is all about?                                                                38

4.1.7:       Question no 7 does the EFCC make use of the rule of law in its activities?                                39

4.18:        Question no 8 the EFCC implemented it’s polices  adequately.                                                        40

4.1.9:       The EFCC was fair in its prosecution.              41

4.1.10:     Question no 10 the EFCC is said to be selective in carrying out duty.                                                42

4. 1.11:    is their any link between the EFCC and the fight against corruption in Nigeria?                               43

4.1.12:     the EFCC is used to control corruption from public and private sectors                                             44

4.1.13:     How would you rate the success of the activities of the EFCC.                                                        45

4.1.14:     Would you say that the government dictates the operation of the EFCC.                                      45

4.1.15:     the introduction of EFCC is a welcome idea by Nigerians.                                                               46

4.1.16:     the EFCC succeeded in reducing corruption.   47

4.1.17:     fighting against crime and corruption was the sole duty of EFCC                                                    48

4.1.18:     would you want the EFCC to continue in the fight against corruption                                                49

4.1.19:     Measurement of the activities of EFCC.           50

4.1.20:     Measurement of the implementation of EFCC polices.                                                             52

4.1.21:     Measurement on public perception over EFCC activities                                                         54

4.1.22:     Measurement on the power of the EFCC to control corruption                                                        56






        Over the years, the has been hue and cry about the mean of corruption and other related crimes in our society. The idea that brings about the fight against corruption has been over the years. Successive governments have failed in their attempts to cub or reduce corruption. This fight has been on since Nigeria’s independence in 1960.

        However, after many years of military rule, Nigeria came to discover her faults, by first delving civilian .rule. This led to first republics, second republic and the subsequent republic.

        The Obasanjo administration which came to power in 1999, made the fight against corruption, a priority, above the things in his administration. Like president Bush’s approach to terrorism, Obasanjo promised to fight corruption with the last drop of government blood. His words, “let’s come together all over the world, Nigerians, let’s fight corruption.

        To achieve his aim, he founded the necessary bodies to cater for the crusade or better put, anti-corruption crusade. To this end, the independent corrupt practices and other related offences commission (ICPC) was established in 2000 to cater for transparency and accountability in governance.

        The economic and financial crimes commission, EFCC, was established in 2002 by the Obasanjo government to complement the works of the ICPC. It also splits the functions, there by diversifying the ways to fight against corruption. The EFCC is headed by a Chairman who overseas the affairs of the commission, with offices sprang across the country.

        The EFCC has the power to arrest public official after leaving office.

1.     Also has the power to arrest corrupt officials in government and even investigate and prosecute them. It is empowered fully, to co-join with international security organizations in investigating Nigeria corrupt officials. This is especially as it concerns money laundering.

        The performance of EFCC has been under scrutiny by the member of the public since its inception in 2003. this perception may be positive or negative. Hence, the EFCC has arrested, prosecuted and even led to impeachment or removal of many top government officials from office.



Since the invigoration of EFFCC in 2003, a lot of arrest, prosecutions- locally and internationally have been made, most of them leading to removal of top officials from office.

        Some landmark arrest and prosecution made by the EFCC include the prosecution of Sunday Afolabi-former Minster for internal affairs and his subsequent removal from office, the presumed resignation of Adolphus Wabara-senate president, removal of Tafa Balogun-inspector General of Police and probe of state governors like Die Praye Aliemieseghe for money laundering charges. The fight and the investigation is still on with arrest and prosecutions of political bigwigs in the country.

        Despite all these achievements, accusations and country- accusation have been leveled against  the EFCC by the citizens. Some cirtize the corruption, while others say that it is no real in fighting the menace.   

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Public Perception Of Efcc’s Performance From 2003 – 2007