The Role Of Marketing Information System In The Marketing Of New Products In Enugu Metropolis.

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This study is on the role of marketing information system in the marketing of new products in Enugu metropolis, a study of omo multi active bar soap made by Unilever Nigeria Plc. The researcher has the following objectives: To find out if marketing information system helps Unilever in serving it’s customers better. To determine the impact of marketing information system on customer’s patronage of Omo Multi active bar soap. In solving the research problem, both primary and secondary data were collected. The instruments used in collecting the data were questionnaires and personal interview guide. The respondents comprises of the customers distributors and relevant staff and management of Omo multi active bar soap. Topman’s formula was used to determine the sample size of the customers of the bank while census was used for relevant management ans staff of the company. In organizing and presenting data collected, tables, percentages were used. The hypotheses were tested using chi square. Data analysis and hypotheses testing gave the following findings. That the use of marketing information system by Unilever plc, Enugu creates customers awareness of their products. Customers awareness of their products. That the use of marketing information system by Unilever Nigeria Plc, Enugu led to serving their customers better. Based on these, the researcher recommended that, organizations including Unilever Nigeria plc, should recognize that for efficient and effective performance, information is needed hence, the need for marketing information system. Unilever Nigeria Plc should provide computers and other necessary materials. These will not only help them in offering quality services but also in taking effective decisions.


Title page                                                                        i

Approval page                                                                 ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                           iv

Abstract                                                                          v

Table of contents                                                            vi


INTRODUCTION                                                   1

1.1      Background of the study                                        1

1.2      Statement of the problem                                       4

1.3      Objectives of the study                                           5

1.4      Research questions                                                        6

1.5      Formulation of research hypotheses                      7

1.6      Significance of the study                                        9

1.7      Scope/delimitation of the study                             10

1.8      Definition of terms                                                  11


REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                            15

2.1      Overview of marketing information system           15

2.2      Benefits of marketing information system             22

2.3      The need for marketing information system          23

2.4      Components of marketing information system      26

2.5      Organizational problems of MIS                             38

2.6      Factors determining the effectiveness of MIS        40

2.7      Implication for MIS                                                 42


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                 46

3.1      Sources of data                                                       46

3.2      The population of the study                                   47

3.3      Determination of sample size                                 47

3.4      Sampling technique                                                48

3.5      Research instrument                                              49

3.6      Validity and reliability of the instrument              49

3.7      Method of data treatment and analysis                 50

3.8      Limitations of the study                                         50



4.1      Data presentation                                                  52

4.2      Test of hypotheses                                                  60



5.1      Summary of findings                                               69

Bibliography                                                           71

Appendix I                                                               73

Appendix II                                                             74








The formulation of a successful marketing  strategy hinges upon the extent of knowledge on two key points, that is, the opportunities open to the enterprise and the resource available, it depends therefore on the amount and quantity of information emanating from both external and internal sources of the organization. According to Adirika, et al (2003: 18), the purpose of information marketing system is to determine and provide ass efficiently, effectively and economically as possible, what management needs to know. It should facilitate the accomplishment of objectives prevent failures to reach objectives and correct conditions which hamper the fulfillment of objectives.

Information aids decision making by marketing executives and it is an essential ingredient for planning and controlling of business operation both at the strategic and tactical level of management and also provides the means for assessing results of specific course of action. It also provide facts with which to steer business operation along the dynamic economic factors, by making tactical adjustments to control some variables, hearing to the realization of the desired objectives. Information also helps the management to assess uncertainty and reduce the risking decision making.

According to Stanton (1999: 312), marketing information system is an interacting, continuing future oriented structure of people, equipment, and procedures designed to generate and process an information flow to aid managerial in decision making in a company’s marketing program.

According to ADirika, et al (1999: 29) marketing information system I an interacting, on going future oriented complex of people, equipment and procedure designed to generate and process information flow in order to facilitate decision making in the overall marketing program of a company.

Kotler (2002: 313) saw it as continuing and interacting structure of people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort and analyze, evaluate and distribute pertinent timely and accurate information for us by marketing decision makers to improve their marketing planning, implementation and control.

The marketing information system is operating on a continuing basis and is intended to anticipate and prevent problems as well as to solve them. The MIS is future oriented and is designed to meet the information needs of decision makers. For this purpose, objectives and goals must be established, the information needed to evaluate performance must be determine and effective mechanism must be developed and installed.



The increased complexity of business calls for more data and for better performance. Markets are no longer local but international in scope. The organization that previously may have had firm control of its business in a limited area, now finds itself on uncertain grounds when competing with similar organization around it, this is a problem in most organizations as investigation by the researcher. The MIS as a critical element in the effective marketing has implications on marketing planning. Planning involves setting out objectives. Most often these objectives and policies do not go in line these with the firm’s mission.

Another problem discovered by the researcher is the fact that most firms or organization either have not adopted the use of computers in their diverse work or their system of operation with their computers is ineffective. This extensively affects productivity and growth.

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The Role Of Marketing Information System In The Marketing Of New Products In Enugu Metropolis.