Sales Promotion Activities In Africana-fep Publishers Onitsha

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This research examines the problems of sales promotion in Nigeria and the marketing implications of such problems.

Because this research is focused on educational publishers, it examines problems encountered by them during the implementation of sales promotion strategies and offer possible corrective measures.  If educational publishers recognize the need for posh cover design.  Premium, delivery services, school visits and constant communication with book-users, sales promotion can yield maximum result.  Also inclusion of customer complaints coupon in each book can help them to know the extent in which their books meet market expectation.

          In structure, this work is divided into five chapters for proper understanding. 

Chapter one deals with the preamble of the research.  The chapter also treats statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of study and research questions.  Scopes or delimitations of study were intensively discussed.

In chapter two, review of related literature on the problem of sales promotion is given proper explanation.

Chapter three deals with methodology for data collection, research design, location of study, population of study and validity and reliability of instrument.

Chapter four discusses data presentation and analysis.

Chapter five gives the summary of the findings of the research recommendation and limitation of the study.




4.1             Year of services

4.2             Educational qualification

4.3             Ranks of workers

4.4             Books sample administration

4.5             Promotional materials administration

4.6             New books launch

4.7             Organization of seminars and book exhibitions

4.8             Adequate of incentives administration

4.9             Organizational structure and line of responsibility



Title page

Approval page




List of tables

Table of contents



1.1             Background of study

1.2             Statement of the problem

1.3             Purpose of study

1.4             Significance of study

1.5             Scope/delimitation of study

1.6             Research questions

1.7             Definition of terms




2.1             Historical background of Africana fep publishers

2.2             Meaning of sales promotion

2.3             Sales promotion as it should be

2.4             Problems of sales promotion in Africana fep publishers

2.5             Why sales promotion is overlooked in Nigeria

2.6             Summary of the related reviews literature




3.1             Research design

3.2             Location of study

3.3             Population of study

3.4             Sample and sampling procedure

3.5             Instrument for data collection

3.6             Validation of research instrument

3.7             Reliability of research instrument

3.8             Method of administration of the research instrument

3.9             Method of data analysis




4.1             Data presentation

4.2             Summary of results/finding




5.1             Discussion of result

5.2             Conclusion

5.3             Implication of research findings

5.4             Recommendations

5.5             Suggestion for further research

5.6             Limitation of the study






1.1            BACKGROUND OF STUDY

The major reason for business enterprises is to sell its products or service at profit to ensure effective operation as a growing concern.  In order to do this, there is need for communication to exist between the selling form and the buyer.  This bellows the pivot through which making activities rotates.

Educational publishers engage in the production and distribution of educational books with the aim of making profit.  Profit is only possible when sales are made.  However, this is where sales promotion activity is recognized.

The need for sales promotion in publishing industries cannot be over emphasized.  Hence educational publishers must blend their sales force not only to recognize but to appreciate that they are in a dynamic society.  As the eyes and nose of the selling firms, sales force should be able to cultivate an atmosphere suitable for resourceful making taking into consideration that human beings are now interested in product rather than in solutions to problems.

From all indications, it could be seen that companies do not like to incur loss.  To guide against this, they must employ dedicated sales force and give them appropriate training and motivation to enhance their performance.  Basically, problems in Nigeria emanate from the management of the company the sales force the customers, and the economy.

Sometime, a director of a company will grant his relative under promotion.  This act has adverse effect on the company sales force can also contribute to the problems of sales promotion.  How often do you buy a book with inscription, “simple copy – not for sale”?  Such books are meant for distribution (free to customers).  Inflation can also contribute to the problem of sales promotion.  High cost goods have reduced manufacture’s interest to offer samples.

Sales promotion is a costly exercise, which must be implemented only if the relationship between benefits expected is justifiable or the exercise becomes a waste.

Thus, this project will examine the extent to which Africana – FEP publishers have applied sales promotion in its operation and the effect of such application it will also examine the problems that hinder the progress of sales promotion and offer possible corrective measures.

New events such as book review, book fair/exhibitions, workshops, seminars, school visit and posh cover design are some of the sales promotion tools suitable for publishing industries.  Above all, attractive, distinctive and memorable Lagos and text names are strong tools for sales promotion.



The indication that sales promotion is at backbench in Nigeria has passed serious concern to every Nigerian.  Unethical attitudes of sales force combine with high cost of sales promotion implementation and poor management decision have contributed to the problem faced by sales promotion.  Activities.  However, this project is purely an academic exercise and the researcher is concerned with Africana – FEP Publishers Onitsha.

As such the major problems revolved around the following

1.                 In Africana – FEP Publishers book samples are not given to the intended users for the purpose of promotion.  They are rather kept after personal use.  The necessary awareness expect to be created would not be achieved.

2.                 New books are not launched in order to attract the right audience that would benefit from the books.

3.                 Promotional materials (calendars, key holders dairies, tree samples) are only given to friends and relatives who invariably do not utilized them for the purpose of promotion.

4.                 Seminars are book exhibitions are not organized to educate users on the benefits derivable from the books.

5.                 Adequate incentives are not given to sales force to stimulate them to greater heights.


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Sales Promotion Activities In Africana-fep Publishers Onitsha