Effects Of News Commercialization On The Public

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The objectives of the study were to examine the effect of news commercialization on the public.

          A case study of the federal radio corporation of Nigeria to achieve the aim the research studied a sample size of 200 respondents chosen from the population of Enugu metropolis.

          Furthermore, the survey research method was adopted assisted by oral interview in order to elicit data from respondent the impersonal from of survey the use of questionnaire was employed.

          Five hypotheses were formulated for the sturdy. The simple percentage and use frequency tables were used to present and analyses data. The five hypotheses received statistical support and was uphold.

          Some interesting revelation were made of them were that most of the audiences do not know that news on invites are paid for there are no definite or common firm to determine commercial stations in the different national station of the FRCN.

          What is commercial news in Enugu may not be in Lagos. The researcher recommended respect for the supremacy of he audience and commitment to excellent as the panacea specially the FRNC.




Title page





Table of content



1.1             Introduction

1.2             Theorical frame

1.3             Statement of the reseach problem

1.4             Objective of the study

1.5             Significance of the study

1.6             Research questions

1.7             Hypothesis

1.8             Scope and limitation of study

1.9             Assumption

1.10        Definition of terms



2.1             Literature review

2.2             Source of literature

2.3             Review

2.4             Summary of literature review



3.1             research method

3.2             research design

3.3             research population sample

3.4             time frame

3.5             measuring instrument

3.6             data collection procedure

3.7             data analysis

3.8             expected result


Data analysis and result

Data presentation and analysis

4.1             Analysis of research question

4.2             Data presentation, distribution analysis



5.1             Summary

5.2             Recommendation reference









Prior to early 1970s Nigeria was one of the poorest countries in the world depending mostly on agriculture exports.

          But due to the oil Broom (1975 – 74) Nigeria became a major oil producer and enjoyed a boost in the economy when the oil market sneezed, the Nigeria economy caught pneumonia.

          The volume of oil output fell 2.3 million barrels per day in 1970 / 80 to 1.1117 in 1986.

          Therefore total oil earnings fell from about 126million in 1980 to 87.37 billion in 1985.

          Since the structure of the economy was neither sufficiently diversified nor flexible enough to absorb the shock, government had to embark on measures to certain the situation solution (1995).

          One of them was the structural adjustment programme SAP introduced by Ibrahim Babanginda military administration in 1986.

          This led to a drop in government subvention, many public and private organization witness harsh economic climate leading media houses such as


vSale of licenses

vDonations from private

vIndividuals and advertisements were insufficient to run the media

vThe Hamza Zay Yad’s technical committee on privatization and commercialization (TCPC) was set up to find out ways to sustain the media.


The outcome of the committee was recommendation of vaiour ways make money to pay salaries procure and service the dilapidated equipment amount other things.

          One of the means was the commercialization of news and deregulaton of the broadcast media.

This led to mass staff retrenchment in 1983


vCommercial advertisements

vSpot announcement programme sponsorship


vPopular let them pay (LTD) charges for socially related event and news


On the effluent to generate and increase revenues for FRCN. With this the federal radio corporation of Nigeria entered into Nigeria world of business, ventures, and enterprise for the second time.

          News is one of the most potent ways for public information and FRCN has an obligation to provide news with accuracy.

          News is one of the most potent ways for public information and FRCN has an obligation to provide news with






Thus it is the duty of the editor to reflect the various sides of a story in order to portray balance and objectivity in keeping with the motto which is to “uplift. The people and unit the nation”.

          An adage has it that the who pays piper dilates the tune. How can the editor perform his duty objectively without the influence of the person who paid for news!

          Infact in journalism, there are traditional criteria for judging certain





vPersonalities as news worthy.


          Some of the news values include






vHuman interest


          Apart form these news values, the professional mass communicator or journalist has codes of professional ethic


The principles guiding journalist







          Therefore a good journalist is expected to cross check all information and where in doubt forego the publication of the story.

          But who can a journalist perform this task judiciously when the money to maintain codes of professional ethics.

          There are also legal constraints guiding the operation of the mass media

The media practitioner has t contend to with all these issue of the same time attract money for the organization. A look into the reason for establishing the FRCN shows that profit motive is not the major reasons for establishing the media.

          Infact, one the major reasons for flooding FRCN is to serve the public and provide them access to the mass media.

          How can the media guarantee good service to the public is field to money?

          Hen news values but on the basis of how much one can pay. Surely, implication of commercializing news in FRCN has far – reacting consequence, its affect on the station credibility and demoralization is catastrophic.

          The public right to know of event of public importance and interest through not deemed but where paid stories are given more attention thereby reducing the number of stories of public interest in the bulletin is worrisome.

          Commercialization of news in FRCN tends to compromise the integrity of the editors as it molates the code conduct of journalist, tends to compromise the integrity of the editors as a molates the code

          Infact the ethical implication of news commercialization in the station are enormous.


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Effects Of News Commercialization On The Public