Influence Of Nollywood Movies On The Social Behaviour Of Students In Public Secondary Schools In Enugu North.

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The purpose of this study was to determine The Influence of Nollywood Movies on Social Behaviour of Students in Public Secondary School in Enugu.It adopted the Survey method with the questionnaire as its instrument of data collection. The study population was made up of the students in Enugu North based on Post Primary Schools Management Board’s record of population of 12,689. Using Taro Yamani’s formula as its sampling technique, a sample size of 154 respondents was drawn from population. The study found out that Nollywood movies do have negative influence on students and that not all Nollywood movies is good for student’s consumption among other films. The study therefore recommended that the producers need ethical re-orientation through creating awareness, conference and seminars on the type films they produce.It is advisable that the National Film and Video Censor Board (NFVCB) and other regulatory agencies continue to review the educational curriculum of movies training institutes in the country and the emphasis should be on the promotion of movies that are educative and morally inclined. Also, that school administrators, government, parents, educational psychologists, teachers and even religious organizations should organize symposia, seminars and conferences for the students regularly to create awareness on the influence of Nollywood movies (negative themes) on our youths.


Title Page                                                                                                                      i

Declaration                                                                                                                   ii

Certification                                                                                                                 iii

Dedication                                                                                                                   iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                     v

Table of contentsvi

List of figures                                                                                                              vii

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

Abstract                                                                                                                       x

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION                                                                    

1.1.  Background of the Study                                                                                     1

1.2. Statement of Research Problem                                                                            2

1.3. Objectives of the Study                                                                                        3

1.4. Research Questions                                                                                              4

1.5. Scope of the Study                                                                                               4

1.6. Significance of the Study                                                                                     4

1.7. Definition of Terms                                                                                              4

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                       

2.1. Introduction                                                                                                         6

2.2. Review of concepts                                                                                             6

2.3. Review of related studies                                                                                    14

2.4. Theoretical Framework                                                                                       19

2.5. Summary                                                                                                              22


3.1. Introduction                                                                                                           24

3.2. Research Design                                                                                                    24

3.3. Population of Study                                                                                               24

3.4. Sample/Sampling Techniques                                                                               25

3.5. Description of research instrument                                                                        27

3.6. Validity/Reliability of data gathering instrument                                                  27

3.8. Method of data collection                                                                                      28

3.9. Method of Data Analysis                                                                                       28


4.1. Introduction                                                                                                          29

4.2. Data Presentation & Analysis                                                                               29

4.3. Discussion of findings                                                                                           41


5.1. Introduction                                                                                                          46

5.2. Summary of Findings                                                                                           46

5.3. Conclusion                                                                                                            47

5.4. Recommendations                                                                                                 47

5.5. Suggestions for further studies                                                                              48

References                                                                                                       49

      Appendix: Letter                                                                                                    51

     Appendix: Questionnaire                                                                                       52



Title Page                                                                                                                      i

Declaration                                                                                                                   ii

Certification                                                                                                                 iii

Dedication                                                                                                                   iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                     v

Table of contentsvi

List of figures                                                                                                              vii

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

Abstract                                                                                                                       x

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION                                                                    

1.1.  Background of the Study                                                                                     1

1.2. Statement of Research Problem                                                                            2

1.3. Objectives of the Study                                                                                        3

1.4. Research Questions                                                                                              4

1.5. Scope of the Study                                                                                               4

1.6. Significance of the Study                                                                                     4

1.7. Definition of Terms                                                                                              4

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                       

2.1. Introduction                                                                                                         6

2.2. Review of concepts                                                                                             6

2.3. Review of related studies                                                                                    14

2.4. Theoretical Framework                                                                                       19

2.5. Summary                                                                                                              22


3.1. Introduction                                                                                                           24

3.2. Research Design                                                                                                    24

3.3. Population of Study                                                                                               24

3.4. Sample/Sampling Techniques                                                                               25

3.5. Description of research instrument                                                                        27

3.6. Validity/Reliability of data gathering instrument                                                  27

3.8. Method of data collection                                                                                      28

3.9. Method of Data Analysis                                                                                       28


4.1. Introduction                                                                                                          29

4.2. Data Presentation & Analysis                                                                               29

4.3. Discussion of findings                                                                                           41


5.1. Introduction                                                                                                          46

5.2. Summary of Findings                                                                                           46

5.3. Conclusion                                                                                                            47

5.4. Recommendations                                                                                                 47

5.5. Suggestions for further studies                                                                              48

References                                                                                                       49

      Appendix: Letter                                                                                                    51

     Appendix: Questionnaire                                                                                       52




    1. Background of the Study

Film is an imperative aspect of social communication. Every moving image viewed on screen conveys a meaning that is to be deciphered by the audience. As part of mass communication, it involves the use of vision and sound (audio-visual) in transmitting and disseminating its messages.The messages can be used in educating, informing, entertaining and socializing its target audience.

Film was introduced into Nigeria in the 1900’s by the British colonialists who used it for propaganda purposes, while the church used it to spread the Gospel. The Colonial Administration and the Church saw film not only as a medium for entertainment but as an effective medium of communication (Akpabio 2003). The British colonialist with the Christian missionaries used film amongst other media to persuade Africans to accept Christianity, education and the western culture.

The word “Nollywood” coined following the style of Hollywood (referring to the American film industry) and Bollywood (referring to the Indian film industry) is the generic name for the Nigerian film industry. It grew from the rich traditional culture of Nigeria into a supposedly modern internationally organized industry.

Studies show that, the Nollywood movie, “Living in bondage”, released in 1992, set the stage for the Nigerian indigenous home movies, popularly known as Nollywood. This industry has continued to grow and explode to greater proportion such that it has pushed foreign media off the shelves of movie rental shops across Nigeria and other parts of Africa. (Uwakwe, 2010).

The concern on media Influence has led to the development of different communication theories. This is an attempt to explain the relationship between communication messages and their influences on the respondent.

O’Rork (2006) and Wogu (2008) argue that audiences are more likely to emulate models of behaviour seen on the media if they expect to receive gratification from emulating another person. “…Behaviour is influenced not only by personal or live models but by those presented in the mass media”. (O’Rork, 2006:72)

Analyses on media Influence continue to show that the media have Influence on the pattern of behaviour of its audience. (Uwakwe, 2010; Okunna, 1999 and Okoye, 1993).

Okunna opines that because of their special power to affect the way people think, feel and behave, the mass media have been credited with incredible persuasive ability to change attitude and behaviour (1999). Therefore, this media influence could be in the area of language and behaviour response.

One of the most debated aspects of film is the extent to which violent and obscene scenes influence societal moral conduct. However, there has been little scientific evidence to prove casual relationships such as one between violence exhibited in films and increase in crime rate.

From the earliest days of the medium, adults have expressed concern about the influence of Nollywood movies on the social behaviour of secondary school students. Parents have shown anxiety about violence of film on secondary school students, since at that age, a child’s social and moral adjustment or mental health is affected.

    1. Statement of the Problem

Nnabuko and Anatsui, (2012) stated thatthereappear to be an increase in violent acts among secondary school students.Nollywood movies have been accused of portrayingviolence, and its adverse effect on the behaviours of Nigerian youths and the society at large are devastating. Hornby, (2000)contends that some violent materials in movies include; Sex scenes, nudity, obscenity, vulgar language, curses, indecent dresses, killings, murder, rape, domestic violence, smoking, molestation and harassment. These are self-injurious in nature, and are likely to affect the secondary school students.

In the face of these challenges, it becomes necessary to examine how the Nollywood movies influence the social behaviours of students in public secondary schools in Enugu North.Such discovery is imperative since it will guide the producers and parents where necessary especially if it is found that the influence is negative and detrimental to Nigerian’s norms and values.

    1. Objectives of the Study

The study had the following objectives.

  1. To find out the extent to which secondary school students in Enugu North are exposed to Nollywood movies.
  2. To identify the dominant type of Nollywood movies that secondary school students in Enugu North prefer.
  3. To determine the factors responsible for their preferred contents.
  4. To determine the influence of Nollywood movies on the social behaviour of secondary school students in Enugu North.


    1. Research Questions
  1. To what extent are secondary school students in Enugu North exposed to Nollywood movies?
  2. What type of contents of Nollywood movies do secondary school students of Enugu North prefer?
  3. What factors are responsible for their preferred contents?
  4. What is the influence of Nollywood movies on the social behaviour of secondary school students in Enugu North?
    1. Scope of the Study

Studies on media influence show that there are various behavioural and attitudinal influences that could be exerted by the media viv-a-vis Nollywood films.

However, this study restricts itself to the influence of Nollywood movies on the social behaviour of students in public secondary schoolsinEnugu North. This similarity in character makes it possible for the finding of this study to be generalized to include all youths in Nigeria

    1. Significance of the Study
  • The finding of this study would be of benefit to producers, youths and parents in Enugu North as they would know which Nollywood movies affect their social behaviours.
  • The findings of this study would be of immense benefit to the media organization as the knowledge gained from these findings would help them improve the content of Nollywood movies.
    1. Operational Definition of terms

Nollywood movies: The Nigerian video film industry is known as Nollywood movies in this context which means the video films packaged by the Nigerian Home Video Industry for home viewing or is the name attributed to Nigeria’s movie industry. They are usually in the video cassette format or the video compact disc format.

Violent behaviour: Violent behaviour in this context is ‘a behavioural concept having to do with specific reference to committing various crimes such as robbery, rioting and breach of peace’ etc. In movies violent materials can be: Sex scenes, nudity, obscenity, vulgar language, indecent dresses, killings, murder, rape and so on.

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