Background: - Despite the fact that Ethiopia is accelerating its ARTrnprogram, little is known about the quality of ART monitoring laboratoryrnservices in health facilities. rnrnObjective: - To assess the quality of ART monitoring laboratory services inrnpublic hospitals of Addis Ababa with emphasis on client satisfaction,rnproviders’ views, functional & structural status of the ART monitoringrnlaboratory service.rnrnMethods: - Hospital based, descriptive cross sectional study was conducted rnfrom October to November 2010. In this study both quantitative andrnqualitative design forms were used. A total of 422 clients were considered forrnexit interview about their satisfaction towards ART monitoring laboratoryrnservices using structured questionnaire. To assess the structural and rnfunctional aspects of ART monitoring laboratories, observation checklist wasrnused. In-depth interview of providers were conducted to assess their viewsrnon quality of ART monitoring laboratory services. Data were coded andrnentered using EPI info 2002 (Centers for Disease Control and PreventionrnAtlanta, GA) and analyzed using SPSS version 15 software (SPSS INC,rnChicago, IL, USA). Satisfaction score was calculated by giving a value of onernfor very satisfied. A value of two was assigned for response of satisfied; threernfor neutral response. Values of four and five were given for dissatisfied andrnvery dissatisfied responses respectively. The mean, median and mode scoresrnfor the overall satisfaction were calculated. Median of the summary score ofrnsatisfaction was used to classify as satisfied and none satisfied since therndistribution of summary scores was skewed. Bivariate and multivariaternlogistic regression models were also used to examine the effect of selectedrnvariables on patients’ satisfaction with ART monitoring laboratory services byrnusing Odds Ratio (OR) with a 95% Confidence Interval (CI). P-Value less thanrn0.05 were taken as statistically significant. Variables that were found with arnstatistically significant association (p