Association Of Coffee Consumption With Insulin Sensitivity And Plasma Lipid Profile Among Non-diabetic Individuals In Addis Ababa

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AbstractrnBackground: Coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world and research has attempted tornmake clear health benefits received from coffee drinking. Type 2 diabetes is one of the diseases thatrnare largely determined by lifestyles factors. The role of coffee in relation to type 2 diabetes andrnother diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension and neurological diseases in Ethiopiarnhas not been well investigated thoroughly.rnObjective: The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between coffeernconsumption and insulin sensitivity status among non-diabetic individuals in Addis Ababa.rnMaterials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 70 non-diabetic and apparentlyrnhealth individuals in Addis Ababa. The participants were 35 coffee drinkers (16 males; 19 females)rnand 35 non-drinkers (15 males; 20 females). Data regarding coffee consumption was obtained byrnusing questioners and laboratory analysis. Blood samples were collected for analysis of insulinrnsensitivity indicators, namely-; serum fasting and post loading glucose and insulin level and serumrnlipid profile (cholesterol, triglyceride, free fatty acid, high density and low densit y lipoproteins).rnResults were compared among coffee consumers and non consumers using appropriate statisticalrnparametersrnResults: Median of serum level of fasting and post-load glucose was 101.2 and 118.8 for coffeerndrinkers and 101.9 and 120.9 for non-drinkers. These results didn't show statistically significantrn(P>0.05) difference between the two groups. There was also no significance difference in the fastingrn(14.8 and 12.7) and post-loading (31.0 and 26.7) of blood insulin level between coffee drinkers andrnnon-coffee drinkers. Similarly, blood level of fasting and post-loading glucose and insulin of noncoffeerndrinkers were not significantlyrndifference from blood level ofrnfastingrnand post-loadrnglucosernandrninsulin ofrntherncoffeerndrinkers ofrnmen,rnwomen, youngrnand not-sornyoung groups. Compared tornnon-coffee drinkers, coffee drinkers of men (p

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Association Of Coffee Consumption With Insulin Sensitivity And Plasma Lipid Profile Among Non-diabetic Individuals In Addis Ababa