Burden Of Intestinal Helminths In Active Tuberculosis Their Household Contacts And Community Controls In Gonder Town North West Ethiopia.

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Background: Intestinal parasites are endemic in many regions of the world where tuberculosisrn(TB) and Human Immunodefficincy virus (HIV)are also prevalent. Sub Saharan Africa is amongrnthe regions where intestinal parasitic infections are common. Parasitic infections particularlyrnhelminths cause chronic immune activation and skewing of the immune response toward Trnhelper-2 immune responses. Though evidences are insufficient, such immunemodulation hasrnbeen shown to increase host susceptibility to TB.rnObjective: the main aim of this study was to determine the burden of intestinal helminthesrninfections among newly diagnosed tuberculosis patients, their healthy household contacts andrncommunity controls and to make correlation with different immunological markers.rnMethods: study participants were selected and grouped into three categories (active TB patients,rncommunity controls and household contacts) according to their pulmonary TB status. Stoolrnmicroscopy was done using direct and Kato-Katz techniques on three days consecutive stoolrnsamples for all study participants in the three groups. Sputum microscopy was done using ZeehelrnNelson method. Participants were tested for HIV using Rapid HIV and ELISA techniques. CD4rncount, total plasma IgE level, absolute eosinophil count and tuberculin skin test (TST) werernmeasured.rnResults: The study population consisted of 112 smear-positive TB patients, 112 communityrncontrols and 71 healthy household contacts. The magnitude of intestinal helminthshad beenrnfound to be 29% in TB patients and 21% for both community control and house hold contactrngroups. Ascarislubmricoideswas the prevailing intestinal helminths identified in the three groupsrn(with a range from 33% to 61%) followed by Hook worm (25% to 52%). Most of thernhelminthpositive study participants in the three groups (73% to 93%) harbored one type ofrnparasite (single infection) than dual or triple parasites. HIV co-infected TB patients have had lessrnhelminthic infection than HIV negative TB patients (25%% Vs 32%), however, the differencernwas not supported statistically (p=0.12) No statistical significant association was observed beingrninfected with helminths and with CD4 count and positive TST results. However, eosinophiliarn(>300 cells/cumm) was statistically correlated with helminth infection among TB patientsrn(p=0.028) and community controls (p= 0.02). In addition, elevated IgE level (>120 IU/L) wasrnstatistically correlated with helminth infection among TB patients (p=0.033), community controlrn(p=0.01) and house hold contact groups (p= 0.0008).rnConclusion: Relatively high proportion of intestinal helminths was identified from active TBrnpatients than household contact and community control groups. Eosinophilia and elevatedrnIgEwere found to have statistical association with intestinal helminths in this study. Thisrnstatistical association attests the significance of eosinophil and IgE as host immune response torncombat intestinal helminth infections.rnRecommendation: Burden of intestinal helminthes was high among TB patients. The burden ofrnthis preventable disease can be reduced through supply of clean water, environmental sanitationrnand personal hygiene, improvement in nutritional status and through health educationrnprogramme. Furthermore, mass deworming program is required to selected vulnerablernpopulation group but the previously mentioned disease prevention tools must be considered onrntop of curative approach.

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Burden Of Intestinal Helminths In Active Tuberculosis Their Household Contacts And Community Controls In Gonder Town North West Ethiopia.